apc 40mk 2: making other rotatory knobs output like the tempo knob

Just testing the file you sent and duplicating the code over. so far seems to work as i wanted.


Sounds good

All work’s :slight_smile: steve

Great, Chris!

allow me to insert myself into the topic .
ma2 encoder wheel in two output notes .
how can I have a note 1 at the output from 0 to 127 and a note 2 from 127 to 0 at the output? this means when I raise the fader note 1 (1 to 127) and when I lower the fader note 2 (127 to 1).

Is this a duplicate request of this thread? If so we will handle in the other thread. If not, please explain the difference.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Thank you for your response to the request. a single fader using knob 1 to increment the value of fader 1 and knob 2 to decrement fader 1 by one value .thanks

I’m still not sure I understand. When you turn a knob it will send a different value depending on the direction you turn it. Also, you are not showing your knobs controlling faders, but setting attributes and you actually are showing two knobs. Are you just looking for the incoming knob to send note 29 when turning right and note 30 when turning left regardless of the note value? Maybe I should point you to how faders generally work with GMA2.

See this video tutorial.

I would need to know for input, what MIDI CC and value it sends for left and right turn.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

You can try this project file.

I have it set for the APC40-MK2 where a left turn on the top left know will output note 30 value 127 and a right turn on the same knob will output note 29 value 127. I use the global variable ga to determine the direction of the knob based on the last known value compared to the incoming value.

For a relative knob I’m using the Cue Level knob which is a relative encoder and any positive value produces a number between 1 and 63 and any negative value produces a number between 64 and 127. In this case any positive movement I also send out note 29 with a value of 127 and any negative (left) movement I send note 30 with a value of 127.

My aliases are set up as follows.


You can learn more about aliases from this tutorial.

apc40-mk2-knob-turn-to-different-note-number-for-GMA2.bmtp (1.5 KB)

thank you for your very valuable help :grinning: