how much will it cost to make a hui translator full from vs 1680 roland to protools 2019.10

Hi Marcello,


According to the manual, the VS=1680 sends out CC7 on MIDI Channel 1 for fader 1. If this is true, the attached project file should work for you for just that fader.  Hopefully this can get you jump started.

I tested with Cubase in HUI mode.

It also provides the necessary HUI ping response that Pro Tools will require.


The first translator sends a fader touch message.

The second one sets a timer for release once you stop moving the fader/knob

The third actuall translates from CC to HUI Fader Movement

The 4th actually sends the fader release message

Finally the 5th translator provides the ping reponse.

In the second preset, we simply caputure what is coming back if you move the fader on your DAW to the global variable ga. In this example, since we are using absolute CC message we don't use it but if your encoders are relative, it may be necessary to capture the current fader value so that we know what to send when converting relative to absolute.


Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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