Ableton button/fader etc output for LED feedback

Here is a demo project to show you how this could work
The first preset assumes you have a Launchpad MINI MK2. Leave it unchecked if you don’t have that.
The second preset is for a Launchpad MINI MK1 or Launchpad S.

You should only check one preset depending on the model you have.

  • Translators 2 and 3 handle bitmapping and refresh of top row - Global Variable ga - It is controlled by top left button above pads
  • Translators 4 and 5 handle bitmapping for second row - Global Variable gb It is controlled by 2nd button above pads
  • Translators 6 and 7 clear the 3rd row - Controlled by 3rd button above pads
  • Translators 8-an 9 compare the top row to the second row and turn on lights that are different in the 3rd row - Controlled by 4th button above pads
  • Translator 10-and 11 clear all pads
  • Translator 12 and 13 is set up to control solo on 4th row press the pad on row 4 to select/deselect solo
  • Translator 14 changes the behavior of solo from exclusive to non-exclusive - Controlled by top right button above pads. Normally exclusive solo, press once for multi solo and then again back to exclusive solo.

LPMIN–demo-bitmap-2023-04-02.bmtp (7.9 KB)

I hope you one of these controllers.
The comments of the rules, should explain how the bits are manipulated.

This post should also help explain the logic.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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