If you set the encoder with the MIDI FIghter Utility to send ENC 3FH/41H then yes,
Any time you turn the knob to the right, it will send 65 (41H) or more. Every time you turn the knob to the left it will send 63 (3FH) or less. So with the two translators each with their own outgoing keystroke, you need to ignore the other value and exit without sending the keystroke. Only one of the two translators will then fire it’s respective keystroke when you either turn the knob to the left (one keystroke) or to the right (the other keystroke).
This is how I set up the original project file I sent you, however you need to program your MIDI Fighter Twister for the correct CC and correct encoder type.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
Do you have the correct keystrokes programmed for the outgoing action?
Are you using a different operator for each translators < for one and > for the other.
If you enable logging and check MIDI IN are you seeing the right incoming values?
Something looks wring as your incoming value when set this way should never be 64. For turning left it should be 63, 62, or 61 for turning right it should be 65,66, or 67.
Please load your MF Utility again, reprogram the encoder and make sure you send to MIDI Fighter Twister before exiting. Then try again.
SInce the value you are looking at is pp one translator should have the rule
if pp>64 then exit rules, skip outgoing action
The other translatore should say
if pp<64 then exit rules, skip outgoing action
You apparently are using the Up and Down arrow keys for zoom in and zoom out.
When you turn the knob make sure that your Adobe Premiere application has focus and NOT Bome MIDI Translator Pro. From the log, it says keystroke is suppressed which means that you do not have focus on Premiere Pro.
Also if there is any red background in the rules, you might have a typo.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
According to the log you are sending values of 2 and 3, this is not possible if you have it set to ENC 3FH/41H
Go back in the MF Utility and check again and make sure after you change it you send setting to the MFT. Also make sure on your MFT that you are on the correct bank.