Akai apc40 mk2 and akai apc keys 25 midi conflict

So I bought an apc40 mk2 and used it with my setup. Akai midi mix and keys 25,
In ableton everything is fine but it seems to have a conflict of midi keys, the a/b crossfader buttons do not register when I push them, the light comes on if I activate them on ableton, but pressing the button does nothing.
Subsequently one of the sharp keys on the keys 25 makes channel 3 a/b turn on.

Is there a way to set the apc40 to another midi channel.?
So it is separate from the other midi controllers I use.?

Hi and welcome to the Bome community!

If you are using Ableton Remote MIDI scripts then there should be no conflict between devices as they would each use their own MIDI port so I assume you are using custom (learned) mapping. Is this correct?

Yes, we can use Bome MIDI Translator Pro to remap MIDI channels. With that said, the APC40 MKII uses 8 different channels so we would have to probably do a complete remapping to ensure all MIDI messages are unique from the other controllers. It can be done, but would probably be easier to either remap the MidiMix and/or the APC Keys 25. I guess it would be best to see how you are using them in Ableton Live. Can you show me screen shots of your MIDI configuration in Ableton Live, both the top section for using Scripts and the bottom section for what is selected for each controller?

I think the APC-Keys25 uses 2 MIDI channels and the MidiMix uses one by default. The MidiMix can be reprogrammed using the MidiMix editor, but the other controllers are not reprogrammable so for those we would need Bome MIDI Translator Pro to handle a re-mapping.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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