Hi everybody, I’m trying to set up a few things on the Akai APC40 mk2. I found a way to change the colors of the button, I would like to combine it so that all RBG buttons permanently lights up with the color I set for them and it would be great if the selected one blinks for example, I don’t know if this is possible. Can I ask for some advice. Thank you
Hi and welcome back!
Please find the attached example.
Preset 1 handles setting of global variables when the project is opened (0.0) or Ctrl(Right) is pressed (0.1). Tranlstors 0.2 sets the variables. ga is the currently selected color, gb is an iteration timer to set all LEDs and gc it the last pressed note on the 5x8 matrix. Translator 0.3 Starts a repeating timer to set all of the pads to the same color. Translator 0.4 sets the APC40 to mode 2 (all momentary).
Translator 1.0 will select the color with moving the crossfader and show the currently selected color on Scene Launch 1. Pressing that button (1.1) will refresh all pads on the 5x8 matrix. Then pressing any button on the matrix will cause that button to flash and the other to be solid. We heavily use the repeating timer (1.3) to refresh all matrix LEDs. 1.2 handles setting the currently selected pad.
I set up the preset 1 to both receive from and send to the APC40.
For more information about device selection, see [this tutorial]
APC40MK2- Button-Lighting.bmtp (2.6 KB)
Have fun!
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
I spend week to try this. Thanks! I have small complication can I change second row of the RGB buttons at red and when I turn button off it remains red? I acomplish this only when I pressed button. Thanks for your help.
Hi, I’m not sure what you are asking. Do you want the second row of buttons always red? They are momentary so there is no on/off. You push for on and release for off.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
I am light designer and my plan is use it for selecting colors. So first line are for example spots and every row is diferent color. I saw it here. Sudenly I am not using MA2, I am using Chamsys so any MA tutorials are useless for me. Thanks
OK, but that really didn’t answer my question about row 2. It looks like you are looking for a more complete design than just a few examples, which would fall under my paid independent consulting. This board (free support) is really structured about answering questions and providing tips and tricks that you can build to create your own solutions.
If you are interested in paid consulting, PM me or send me an email.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz