APC 40 to Quickshow

Hi, I’m trying to reproduce the setup this man did:

but I have some problems.

first of all i’m having trouble with the leds lighting up, i manage to make everything light up green by saying that the stop button sets the intensity of the pads to 1 which makes them all green except that once i press on the pad it turns dark or red again so i program them and they don’t move unless i press on the stop button.

what I’d like to do is have all the cue pads light up green. when I press a pad, it flashes red (4 intensity), when I press it again to stop cueing, it turns green again, and also when I press another pad, the pad that’s activated doesn’t stay red, it turns green as if I were pressing it.

I’d also like to unlock more pads. What I mean by that is that I’d like to be able to click on the master pad to make certain pads send information other than the basic information sent, and when I press the master pad again, it returns to the basic information sent.

i also have a problem with the potentiometers. the potentiometers are used to change angles and positions. i also have a button that resets these parameters. the only problem is that this button resets the parameters in quickshow but not on the apc 40, so that when i reset the potentiometer, the information is sent directly to the position where the potentiometer was. what i would like to do is that the reset button also resets the position of the potentiometer to the center.

Hi and welcome to the Bome community!

What you ask is beyond the scope of free support but I should be able to get you started with part of it.

The attached should initialize your APC-40 at startup and set all matrix pads to green. I’m using the global variable g0 and g1 as a bit map for on-off state of 40 pads. Then I use a timer to update all 40 pads.

The timer is translator 3.0

Then when pushing a button, I check if the pressed pad is in the on or off state. I then clear the variables, and if it was in the off state I set it to the on state and start the timer thereby update the LEDs. This is done in translator 2.0. It has extensive logic rules that convert the button pushed to the desired global variable and bit map.

I let the MIDI thru path handle what goes to the application and don’t change that so I don’t use ‘Swallow’ as an option in translator 2.0.

Global variable gc is the iteration timer used for updating LED’s. Again I convert bitmap position to the proper note message to update the LEDs.

I had to do this based on documentation because I don’t have an APC40 MK1. Mine is a MK2 which is quite different, so some of the calculations may not be quite right.

Maybe you should reach out to the guy who did that video and he could show you how he did it. Did he use Bome MIDI Translator Pro?

APC-40-Launch-Toggle-Matrix.bmtp (4.2 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz