Hi Steve and Florian
I have been using MIDI Translator 1.9.0 on some show computers using a combination of MIDI and Applescript for cue lists and application automation.
The show computers are running Intel Xeon chips with MacOS 10.15.7 / Catalina. When I have tried to update to MIDI Translator 1.9.1 it does not request control of system events in the Mac Privacy & Security / Automation settings (for Applescript control). So some Applescripts do not work. If i revert back to MT 1.9.0 - it does request authorisation for automation of system events and the Applescripts work.
Likewise using MT 1.9.1 on a MacOS Sonoma 14.7 on M3 Max chips - MT does not request access to system events automation - and I do not think 1.9.0 is validated for Apple Silicon.
There doesn’t seem to be a way to manually add applications to system events automation. Am I missing something here or is this a known issue?
Would this solution apply to a clean install of MacOs and MIDI Translator (as is the case with my Intel and Silicon systems that had the issues) - I.e: not an upgrade on existing system - but the first time the configuration has been run with an existing file created on another system? Or is the system profile data embedded in the MIDI Translator file?
I think that the new OS’s restrict it by default where the old ones did not. Apple seems to be getting more restrictive of apps using AppleScript for some reason, probably to avoid security issues/holes.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz