If you want to move the faders when you change pages, you will need to store each fader’s value in a separate global variable and then recall it and then send it when you see a page change. The question I have is when you change pages, is there something that GrandMA sends that you can use to trigger the changes in fader positions, or do you have to wait for a fader to move before MT pro realizes that it is now on a new page?
In your project file, I would recommend you create a standard convention for tracking the global variables you use. For instance for page you might use g0-gf for page 1 values h0-hf for page 2 etc. where 0-f is the fader number 0-16.
As you move faders in the current rules, you would use a rule such as the below to store the faders value. The below would be for fader 0
// Store fader value into g0 for page 0
if qq=0 then g0=tt
// Stor fader value int h0 for page 0
if qq=1 then h0=tt
When you see a change in pages you would set up a timer to iterate through the faders changing the position of each of the faders.
Incoming trigger – Unknown at this point but something with the new page number, You would need to keep track of the current page number to see if it has changed.
//Store new page number – in this case I will use xa for the global variable of current page
// I will use xb to count the timer
Outgoing action: Timer “Page Change” xb times
Incoming message : Timer Page change
if xa==0 then goto “page0”
if xa==1 then goto “page1”
label “page0”
if xb==0 tt=g0
if xb==1 the tt=g1
goto “finish”
label “page1”
if xb==0 tt=h0
if xb==1 the tt=h1
goto “finish”
… sections for additional pages
label “finish”
Output : Raw MIDI b9 xb tt
Or something similar. than the above.
Note that in the example above we start moving fader 15 on first iteration and fader 0 on last iteration