BCR2000 preset shortcuts!

i wanted to share this for the BCR2000 users out there, as this might not be common knowledge
regarding BCR2000

i found this information on the ableton live website,
It changes the BCR2000 preset to 32
if you use this
F0 00 20 32 7F 7F 20 00 00 24 72 65 76 20 52 31 F7 F0 00 20 32 7F 7F 20 00 01 F7 F0 00 20 32 7F 7F 20 00 02 24 72 65 63 61 6C 6C 20 (33) (32) F7 F0 00 20 32 7F 7F 20 00 03 F7 F0 00 20 32 7F 7F 20 00 04 24 65 6E 64 F7

remove the brackets surrounding the 33 & 32, that will change the BCR2000 to preset 32
This works using Bomes midi translator pro, by simply assigning an input midi button, and then pasting the sysex into the Outgoing-midimessage-Raw midi/systemexclusive
Also by changing the (32) to 31 will change the preset to 31
(at least thats what im seeing!)

so how the preset numbering works is (33) (32) the last 2 numbers on both 33 & 32 equates to
preset 32, and so (31) (39) = preset 19, and the numbers (30) (31) = preset 1

ideally you would want to use a external controller to cause these sysex messages to kick the presets into action

Hi, thanks for this.

31 (hex) is actually the code for the ASCII character ‘1’
32 (hex) is actual the code for the ASCII character ‘2’

So 31 32 hex would be ‘12’ in ascii characters

You can find many ascii character reference tables on the web like this one that shows them all.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
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