Beginner! Help needed with lighting up a single Pad on a Launchpad MINI MK3

Hi guy, i think - as a beginner - I made a basic mistake, but after struggling with this simple task, reading all the relevant topics here and reading the Launpad Mini -Programmers Reference Manual I hope You guys can enlighten me.

My goal to get a grip on using the Translater Plus is to write a transformer for lighting up the upper left pad after pressing any pad on the mini .

The Launchpad is in User Mode and is sending MIDI on channel 16.

This incomming part is set up as follows:

Reading other Threads on MK2 and the MK3 Programmers guide, I thought that sending back an note on to Key 64 with a velocity of 62 should light it up in a yellow-ish tone.

Obviously this was NOT the way to do it.
I´m pretty shure it´s pretty basic, but I´m stuck.
Can anyone help me out plz?

Thanks in advance

Hi and welcome to the Bome community!

I have a MK2 and it sends and receives on MIDI CH 1. Did you try sending your note on MIDI CH 1 on your MK3 ? How would you like to turn off the LED?

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Actually I found my MK3

First of all, for user mode you should use the DAW port not the main MIDI port.

Here are how my aliases are setup.

You can learn more about aliases from this tutorial.

The first translator will put your LP MINI in Custom Mode 3 with a SysEX message.

Then the second translator will light up the upper left light in the first row. Note that the upper row uses CC numbers and not notes.

Push any pad on the main matrix and it will light up.
LP-MINI-junk-2023-12-01.bmtp (1.3 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Did this work for you?

Hi Steve,

sorry for being late on this. Yes, finally it worked. I had problems to stop my LP MINI to send on Channel 16. I could have compensated the in the code of the translator but I wanted to figure out was the problem was. Finally I had to reset the MINI to its factory defaults. After that Your translator worked as described.

Thank You for helping me!


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