Behavior of BomeBox when no preset is active

Hi Steve,

When I’m using the BomeBox via the MIDI Translator and all presets are deactivated, it is not clear to me what’s happening. For instance, in my case, an “All Notes Off” or a “Reset All Controllers” command goes through on Channel 1 only. Bank Changes, Program Changes, Note On/Off’s are blocked on Channel 6 and 7. A Program Change on MIDI Channel 16, however, is passed.

580951419 - MIDI IN [BomeBox: NC2x]: B0 7B 00
580951419 - MIDI OUT [BomeBox: BomeBox DIN]: B0 7B 00
580951420 - MIDI IN [BomeBox: NC2x [2]]: B6 7B 00
580951420 - MIDI IN [BomeBox: NC2x [2]]: B5 7B 00
580951451 - MIDI IN [BomeBox: NC2x]: B0 79 00
580951451 - MIDI OUT [BomeBox: BomeBox DIN]: B0 79 00
580951461 - MIDI IN [BomeBox: NC2x [2]]: B6 79 00
580951462 - MIDI IN [BomeBox: NC2x [2]]: B6 00 0A
580951463 - MIDI IN [BomeBox: NC2x [2]]: B6 20 00
580951464 - MIDI IN [BomeBox: NC2x [2]]: C6 19
580951465 - MIDI IN [BomeBox: NC2x [2]]: B6 07 40
580951465 - MIDI IN [BomeBox: NC2x [2]]: B5 79 00
580951466 - MIDI IN [BomeBox: NC2x [2]]: B5 00 00
580951467 - MIDI IN [BomeBox: NC2x [2]]: B5 20 00
580951468 - MIDI IN [BomeBox: NC2x [2]]: C5 21
580951469 - MIDI IN [BomeBox: NC2x [2]]: B5 07 40
580951469 - MIDI IN [BomeBox: NC2x]: CF 34
580951469 - MIDI OUT [BomeBox: BomeBox DIN]: CF 34
581179772 - MIDI IN [BomeBox: NC2x [2]]: 95 37 48
581179890 - MIDI IN [BomeBox: NC2x [2]]: 85 37 64

I would prefer that, in this case, all MIDI data is just passed from the USB MIDI IN to the MIDI DIN OUT. How would such a preset (letting all MIDI data pass) look like?


Hi, that is strange as the only thing that would block certain messages only on a given channel would be a translator. Could you show me:

  1. The project file that you are using on your computer when this is occurring?
  2. Screen shots of the following BomeBox Pages
    a) Summary page
    b) MIDI Ports
    c) MIDI Routes
  3. If you are running a project file on BomeBox as well, a copy of the project file.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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Split Keyboard - Drawbar Organ V6 no ge.bmtp (20.5 KB)

No project file is running on the BomeBox.

Hi, could you show me how you have your aliases assigned? It appears that without any presets set, nothing should be coming through when sending MIDI in from BomeBox: NC2x [2].

Also if you have any routes on Bome Network set up.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Also, please let me know what devices you have connected to your BomeBox MIDI DIN IN and OUT ports.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Hi, I’m constantly changing my gear because I have not found yet what to use for the road, therefore, I have not yet assigned aliases for my new NC2x (Studiologic Nemo Compact 2x).

I’m not sure what you are asking for because you should see the aliases in my project.

MIDI DIN IN cable coming from Kawai MP11SE via a MIDI Controller Bitstream 3x. (Alias My-Bitstream).
MIDI DIN OUT cable to Sound Expander KETRON SD-2 (Alias My-Synth)
USB MIDI IN from NC2x (No Alias).

BUT NOW I have seen that in the MIDI Router screen of the Translator Pro, the connection “BomeBox NC2x [2]” to “My-Synth” was missing. When I entered that, as far as I can see, everything comes through as I want now. I’m sorry for bothering you with this.

613768101 - MIDI IN [BomeBox: NC2x]: B0 7B 00
613768101 - MIDI OUT [BomeBox: BomeBox DIN]: B0 7B 00
613768113 - MIDI IN [BomeBox: NC2x [2]]: B6 7B 00
613768113 - MIDI OUT [BomeBox: BomeBox DIN]: B6 7B 00
613768113 - MIDI IN [BomeBox: NC2x [2]]: B5 7B 00
613768113 - MIDI OUT [BomeBox: BomeBox DIN]: B5 7B 00
613768131 - MIDI IN [BomeBox: NC2x]: B0 79 00
613768131 - MIDI OUT [BomeBox: BomeBox DIN]: B0 79 00
613768143 - MIDI IN [BomeBox: NC2x [2]]: B6 79 00
613768143 - MIDI OUT [BomeBox: BomeBox DIN]: B6 79 00
613768144 - MIDI IN [BomeBox: NC2x [2]]: B6 00 0A
613768144 - MIDI OUT [BomeBox: BomeBox DIN]: B6 00 0A
613768145 - MIDI IN [BomeBox: NC2x [2]]: B6 20 00
613768145 - MIDI OUT [BomeBox: BomeBox DIN]: B6 20 00
613768145 - MIDI IN [BomeBox: NC2x [2]]: C6 19
613768145 - MIDI OUT [BomeBox: BomeBox DIN]: C6 19
613768146 - MIDI IN [BomeBox: NC2x [2]]: B6 07 40
613768146 - MIDI OUT [BomeBox: BomeBox DIN]: B6 07 40
613768147 - MIDI IN [BomeBox: NC2x [2]]: B5 79 00
613768147 - MIDI OUT [BomeBox: BomeBox DIN]: B5 79 00
613768148 - MIDI IN [BomeBox: NC2x [2]]: B5 00 00
613768148 - MIDI OUT [BomeBox: BomeBox DIN]: B5 00 00
613768149 - MIDI IN [BomeBox: NC2x [2]]: B5 20 00
613768149 - MIDI OUT [BomeBox: BomeBox DIN]: B5 20 00
613768150 - MIDI IN [BomeBox: NC2x [2]]: C5 21
613768150 - MIDI OUT [BomeBox: BomeBox DIN]: C5 21
613768151 - MIDI IN [BomeBox: NC2x [2]]: B5 07 40
613768151 - MIDI OUT [BomeBox: BomeBox DIN]: B5 07 40
613768154 - MIDI IN [BomeBox: NC2x]: CF 34
613768154 - MIDI OUT [BomeBox: BomeBox DIN]: CF 34

You said: ‘It appears that without any presets set, nothing should be coming through when sending MIDI in from BomeBox: NC2x [2].’ Apparently, as I expected it, the contrary is the case.

Anyway I think the problem is solved for me. Thank you for your support.

I said that because there is no MIDI thru path for that controller (unless it is assigned to one of your aliases).


Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Aliases are not kept in the .bmtp file, so I couldn’t see them. They remain in your .bmts file instead.


Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

So you have already spotted the problem before I have seen it.
I thought that your comment was general, but it was with respect to the MIDI routings. So that made perfect sense.
Thanks again,

Well, I didn’t actually spot the problem. Just got focus on the area that it might be.

I’m glad you got it working!

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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