Bome keeps freezing

I use Bome with my Emeo and SWAM. It almost also freezes. I have to do to my task manager and shut it down. Is there a fix for this?


Hi and welcome to the Bome community!

I assume by Bome you mean Bome MIDI Translator Pro? Maybe Bome Network Pro?

Are you on Windows or Mac? What version are you running. If MT Pro, do you have a project file we can look at? Are you using the trial version or paid version?

I’m not familiar with either EMEO or SAM, could you send me links to what they are?

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Hey Steve,

Sorry. I should have been more specific.
I am using Bome Midi Translator Pro… paid version

emeo- is a digital saxophone.

Swam is the midi sound program that the Emeo uses.

I use the digital saxophone as a game controller and it works great it is just that the program freezes.

Here are the links-


Home AM





Emeo Digital Saxophones


These are my computer specs…
Thank you for any help you can give.


DESTINY.bmtp (5.2 KB)

Here is the file I am using

You may try to capture a crash dump by following these instructions.

I noticed that you are both sending and receiving MIDI from your Arduino as well as sending keystrokes to your operating system. Does the Arduino echo back the MIDI messages sent? Maybe there is a MIDI loop somewhere?

Is the source of you saxophone MIDI your Arduino WiFi and Bome MIDI Translator Pro connected to SWAM via Bome MIDI Translator 1?

I assume the keystrokes are for you game. If you disable your preset (so that only MIDI thru paths are in play), does it still crash?

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: