Bome midi translator is magic (-:

Hi ! Im just a Sr.Cit in Arlington and few months ago i bought midi translator pro and recently i used it to connect my midi usb piano kybd in win10 to both traktor software turntables and kontakt and the result is i have one octave on my piano kybd controlling the turntables and the other octaves playing various instruments like guitar organ drums and this was possible using bome translator and without bome you would have to buy hardware midi controllers $$$ ie bome is software magic and it will save you the added expense of midi hardware thats really not necessary also i should add here that Caldwell here inside bome is a midi guru… im a very happy new customer (-: mark spector

Hi and welcome to the Bome community!

Thank you for all of the positive comments! As a user, I am also very happy with Bome products! I find the tools very helpful in connecting my many keyboards, foot controllers and other MIDI gear together and making everything work the way I want to.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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