Bome Network - Propresenter on Mac to Lighting Software on PC

O.k. so my setup was working great for a while and then something happened, not sure what. Please help. This should be relatively easy to get fixed… but I can’t seem to figure it out.

Screenshot 2024-11-22 130528

You shouldn’t have to do any MIDI routing in Bome Network. Just leave it with the default auto routes created when the computers connect.

On your Mac, make sure Pro Presenter Output is set to ‘IAC Driver Bus 1’

Since you are using Remote Direct MIDI on your PC, just have your lighting software input set to ‘Tec Mac:IAC Driver Bus 1’


Oh and on your Windows PC. Make sure there are not any other MIDI applications trying to use the port ‘Tec Mac:IAC Driver Bus 1’.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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O.k. should I remove all the options in the routing there now? Propresenter wasn’t showing an option for ‘IAC Driver Bus 1’… I think the only option was Session 1 or something.

Double check your Propresenter MIDI settings all available ports on your Mac should show up as output options in Propresenter.