Bome Virtual Port is not outputting (Ableton, MidiHubs, multiple controllers)

Hi. So I’m kind of at a loss as to what to try next.

Setup: Multiple Yaeltex controllers connected to two MidiHubs via DIN. In BMT Pro, I route the MidiHubs to one Bome Virtual Port, and then reroute them back from the Bome Virtual Port to the MidiHubs. In Ableton, I select Track and Remote for the both the Input and Output of the Bome Virtual Port.

This was working just fine (and never had any problems when Gig Performer was the DAW) until I installed Remotify and it is almost like Remotify broke the Bome Virtual Port. Before Remotify, in the Log Window, if I pressed a button on the controller, it would read back out 14 messages (if I recall correctly): One for the MidiHub input, one for the translation into the Bome Virtual Port, and then 12 for going back from the Virtual Port into 6 MidiHub ports. But now, I only get the first two.

I’ve uninstalled Remotify, to try to get to back to where I was but I get no midi output now, so no LED feedback. Or rather I did get it back working for a little bit (wasn’t really sure what I did to get it working again but it just started working again) but today it is again not working. And I didn’t change anything with respect to Midi Ports or inputs and outputs.

I’ve reinstalled BMT Pro a couple times. I keep trying things like deleting the Virtual Port, rebooting and then recreating it, no changes.

Not really sure what to do next. Would you folks have any insight?

I’m not sure how Remotify would play into this as it just creates and Ableton Remote Script, unless the script isn’t working correctly.

My advice would be to simplify the configuration.

Yaeltex > MIDI DIN to MIDI HUB > USB > Bome MIDI Translator. BMT 1 > Ableton > Ableton LIve

Then turn on logging in MIDI Translator and monitory the MIDI IN and MIDI out.

Make sure you have your MIDI HUB programmed that all MIDI DIN ports to got all USB ports, or at least the one you are using that goes to Bome MIDI Translator Pro.

In Ableton Live, just set it up with a non-controller type and try to MIDI learn something coming in, if you are seeing MIDI IN and OUT in Bome MIDI Translator. If that is working, then maybe your Remotify Script is broken.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

This is how I have my MIDI Hub set up.

So use A on the DIN side and A on the USB side in both directions and it should work.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

I don’t know how Remotify would play into it either but what I do know is for 3 or 4 years, this was working in Gig Performer. Initially had 9 BMT ports for 9 GP instances and Yaeltex>Midiub>BMT x>GP>BMT x>MidiHub>Yaeltex never didn’t work. BMT Pro and its Midi Router was essential for this, thank you for BMT Pro.

Then it was 22 GP instances (because of CPU headroom problems with the 9) to 44 Bome Network created Virtual Ports and that worked eventually, you helped me with the complications of setting that up in Bome Network and Gig Performer.

But then I decided to try other DAWs, 22 GP instances was a bit much, eventually settling on Ableton and that worked until Remotify and since the moment I selected BMT 2 as the Input and Output of the CSS script, I have been having midi output/LED feedback problems. The output into BMT 2 is just not working and I was hoping you folks would say, oh, that’s because when you selected BMT 2 as input/output for the script, it changed such and such and you just need to change it back.

But that does not sound like the case. Haha. Ok.

So I just eliminated Bome altogether, disabled it in Task Manager Startup, selected the controllers individually in Ableton and yes, feedback was working. Mostly. The buttons on each controller worked. The VUmeter feedback was working for most of the controllers but a couple of them, they weren’t.

So then I eliminated the Midihubs and plugged each controller into USB. No feedback. It’s been years but I think this was the reason I went to the Midihubs, couldn’t get USB direct connection feedback, for whatever reason.

So now I’m back trying to get VUmeter feedback for each controller, without Bome. This is the reason I use a BMT port, so that I don’t have to fiddle with each controller, I just put everything into one port, done. But for whatever reason, BMT is not forwarding to the output. Now. It was, for years, as described above. But not now.

And again, buttons are working on all five controllers, VU feedback on three. Two controllers that had VUmeter feedback when the BMT port was working aren’t now.

Maybe will try loopmidi again next though last time I tried that, couldn’t get that to work either. I don’t know…any insight appreciated

I’ve had the midihubs set up like that for years and haven’t changed the setups, ever

Can you show me a screenshot of your log window and perhaps post the project file as well? Are you using translators as well or just using MIDI thru paths?

Maybe also a screen shot of how you have Ableton Live configured for MIDI.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

This stuff is so bizarre.

I’ve got it working now, with a LoopMidi port. That didn’t work a few days ago but for some reason, it is working now. I don’t know. Hopefully it keeps working. If it stops working like BMT2 did all of a sudden, I will certainly come back and post the items you requested. But I’ve got a gig coming up and I really really really need to practice.

Then, a port I had created in Bome Network that I route some foot controllers into with BMT Pro, that stopped working. Never had been a problem before. So created another LoopMidi port, re-routed those controllers into it, it is working now too.

I don’t know. Wish there was some logic, some rationality that I could locate and utilize in troubleshooting this stuff but really, this is just some technical hell version of whack-a-mole, haha.

Steve, thanks for trying to help again. After I’m back from this gig, I’m going to be back trying to get Remotify CSS working. Hopefully it doesn’t break the LoopMidi port but if it does, I will need to get a BMT port working again, I suppose. But with any luck, you will never hear from again, haha. :slight_smile: Thank you!

Are you on Windows or Mac? Windows does not allow opening MIDI ports for more than on application or device at a time. Maybe you had a different MIDI application holding the port open so that no other application could use it.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Windows. Believe me, I’m well aware of that limitation. That’s why at one time, I had over 44 ports.

If something was open and grabbing the port, I don’t know what it was and it certainly was not showing up in Task Manager. But you are right, I had thought of the same thing, that it was acting like something was grabbing the midi output (but not the input).

I don’t know. I just hope it continues to work. Please, please :slight_smile: