BomeBox Dlive S7000 Scene Recall +Select

Hey everyone
I have a Dlive S7000 and control the scenes via a BomeBox with Ableton Live withe the Bank and Number. The dLive MIDI TCP/IP Reference Table – v1.90 gives the data on which scene is which command. It is working. Unfortunately, I only see the play button for the scene on the Dlive when the scene is Cuet. The scene is not automatically selected and the scene table does not move with it like Normal. Is there an extra midi command over the Bomebox, where the scene cuet and automatically turns yellow? So a Select Midi command, so to speak? Or is there a setting that means that when the scene number is cued, the table behaves like it does when you press the Go button? Yellow Selectet and Green the next scene? Because then is the Function over BomeBox TCP not Working because you want to see in Which Scene You are when you press Ableton Scene for example 102 is cuet but you scene List doesnt Move or the Cuet Scene is not Select… Someone Same Problems?

Many thanks for the help.

Hi, perhaps you can use Bome MIDI Translator Pro to monitor the MIDI data coming from Ableton Live to make sure it is correct. I don’t have a dLive to test with but you should get something like this:

BB 00 00
CB 00

This is assuming your dLive is running on base MIDI Channel 12 and that you are selecting scene 1.

For scene 102 it should be:

BB 00 00
CB 64

There should be no other MIDI messages between the commands.

If you are using a project file, I could look at that also.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Did you get this working?

Hello everyone,

i have kind of the same problem.
when firing a snapshot thru the bomebox coming from ableton, it SOMETIMES doesn’t fire the snapshot but shows me the cue in the scenes window. Funny is, when hitting the cue in rehearsel everyhting works fine.

Here is what comes from firing a Snap from Ableton. (Drums and all Keys are also conntected to the Bomebox to receive Midi Messages, thats why its so much.)

81559: MIDI IN [BomeBoxFOHFly]: B0 00 00
81561: MIDI IN [BomeBoxFOHFly]: B0 20 00
81563: MIDI IN [BomeBoxFOHFly]: B2 00 00
81565: MIDI IN [BomeBoxFOHFly]: B2 20 02
81567: MIDI IN [BomeBoxFOHFly]: B6 00 00
81569: MIDI IN [BomeBoxFOHFly]: B6 20 00
81571: MIDI IN [BomeBoxFOHFly]: BB 00 03
81573: MIDI IN [BomeBoxFOHFly]: BB 20 00
81575: MIDI IN [BomeBoxFOHFly]: CB 3D

Also i wanted to ask: my Bomebox is connected over a Networkswitch to my console. Can this cause any problems?

So my Routing is:

Ableton → Monitor Bomebox → Networkport on Monitor DM48 → over GigaAce NetworkBridge to FOH → Networkport on FOH DM0 —> Networkswitch —> Bomebox

I also tried out swallow actions with no sucess.

Thank you for your help!

Hi and welcome to the Bome community!

Hi, network could always be a problem in not configured correctly but if everything else is working then it is probably not the culprit.

Lookin at your log extract, the only thing I noticed is that you are receiving BB 20 00 after BB 00 03. Looking at the dLive manual, I don’t see anything that says dLive accepts LSB bank changes so maybe you should filter out CC 20 going into your dLive (only on MIDI CH 12 so that your other gear will continue to work) and see if that fixes it. Other than that, I guess I would have to look at your Bome Project file running to see all of your routes and filtering.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Hi Steve,

thank you for your reply!
I’ll try to filter out the CC20 and send you than my Project File at the 8th, May. Sadly i have no access to it before.

Best regards