BomeBox WiFi Jitter

Hi again, I am onto other issues but replying here because “New Topic” button isn’t doing anything in Chrome or Safari. Is this a new user limitation?

Anyways, I have my iMac and the BomeBox communicating through the WIFI network. BomeBox is setup as a WIFI client.

In Ableton Live I’m able to select “BomeBox - Net”. When I output notes to the DIN I’m getting horrible jitter.

Is my expectation to send reasonably tight MIDI through the network way off?

Hi, New Topic should work. I’ll see if our web guy can look into it.

Jitter over WiFi will largely depend on how much WiFi traffic you have on the network and how many other WiFi networks may be in the area. Also make sure your BomeBox is set to your country as performance can be diminished if not. Jitter pretty much goes away on ethernet vs WiFi. With that said, your network topology and traffic can always be considerations. Your network connection is usually much faster than any MIDI DIN connection so I doubt that the DIN is the problem. Also look to see if you have any MIDI loops in your configuration as that can also slow things down.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

As far as not being able to create a new topic, try clearing your browser cache or us a private browsing option to see if that helps.

Hi there, there was a bug in the forum, which is now fixed. Creating a topic should work again. Sorry for that!

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I’m interested in the MIDI over ethernet. I thought that wasn’t a feature and ethernet was only for setup. I’d like to set this up if I can and see how tight that is.

Is it possible to only use ethernet and turn off the wifi?

Alternately, can the BomeBox be joined to my computer by ethernet (and talk MIDI) while it’s operating as a wifi host for the odd time I need my iPad?

Finally, if BomeBox was joined by ethernet to my iMac directly would any devices that are on the house wifi router (iMac is one of them) be available for the BomeBox - Net? (maybe I need a Pro license for this?)

Yes, you can use ethernet for MIDI connections for BomeBox. The default ethernet set up is as a DHCP client, so just disable WiFi and plug in your BomeBox into your router, disable WiFi by pushing the WiFi button until the LED goes out and you should be all set.

Using both WiFi and ethernet on a BomeBox simultaneously can be problematic if the network addresses are different. However if you set the WiFi as an access point and the ethernet as a DHCP client, things should work fine. The ethernet will be assigned an address by your router and that address will be the same over WiFi.

Any devices on ethernet on your same network will be able to see BomeBox.

If you connect one of your connectors from your BomeBox to your home router and the other to your iMAC, then the connections will be bridged to your home network as long as the ethernet is configured as a DHCP client.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

For MIDI traffic, we usually recommend to use Ethernet and not WiFi – if possible. Nonetheless, there are many BomeBox customers who use realtime MIDI over WiFi without any problems. But there can always be unpredictable interferences causing bad WiFi reception, like other WiFi networks. That’s probably what you’re seeing.

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