Button not releasing in Ma2

I've got an APC mini going through Bome to Ma2 OnPC I've got temp buttons that work as expected when clicked - flash intensities to full, then release when the press is released. However when I trigger through my APC, the temp button stays on. Bome is registering both a "Note On" and "Note Off." Any ideas? Bome file attached.


Yes, the APC-MINI sends note-off velocity at 127 (7F Hex) which confuses many applications (and even itself if you want to LED feedback) . You should be able to translate the note-off message as

Incoming:Note-Off MIDI Channel 1 set note to pp any velocity

Outgoing:Note-Off MIDI channel 1 note pp velocity 0

If you want raw output instead use:

90 pp 00

Make sure your incoming is directed from APC-MINI out outgoing to the virtual port you are using in GMA2.


This should fix the problem.


Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist


Did this solve your problem? If so, please mark as resolved. If not, let me know and I will assist further.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist

Ah, I see. Could you point me in the right direction to start learning about LED feedback/utilizing the LEDs? Not really finding anything helpful with a google search. 

Try this post. It is with APC-40 which sends the same for note off as APC-MINI.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Q and A Moderator and
Independent Bome Consultant/Specialist

Thank you for your time!!

My pleasure!