I have set up my Bomebox as a Wifi client to my home network. I set the LAN to be a distinct subnet, and configured a static IP on that subnet on my mixer. The Mixer does not appear on the A&H page. I added it manually by IP, and it says connected, by I have no idea what to do next. I wish it would be detected, as it appears the auto-setup only works in that case.
Also I see this uses OpenWRT, so rather than ‘not recommending’ it, it would be great to be able to bridge the LAN ports to the Wifi network seamlessly. I would think this is how most people would want to use the device.
Bridging from DHCP client on WiFi to Ethernet (for A&H) is not a standard configuration of the BomeBox.
For me, I put my BomeBox on an ethernet port provided by my Mesh node and use DHCP client on the BomeBox. I can then use the second ethernet on my BomeBox to connect to a Mixer (or use a network switch).
Could you show me the BomeBox Network configuration page for both WiFi and ethernet. I may be able to make a recommendation from there. I would think that if the BomeBox shows that the CQ-18T is connected, you should be able to route MIDI from whatever your source MIDI port is to the target CQ port.
What is the source device for controlling the CQ and how is it connected to the BomeBox?
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
Is this sufficient or would you like screen shots?
Home network:
Bome LAN:
I am able to ping the Bome WAN and LAN address, but I can’t ping the A&H. If I connect my laptop directly to the other LAN port, I can ping the A&H. I have my router set up to route to the WAN IP of the Bome, but it doesn’t seem to be fowarding. I’ve been looking at the Firewall Zone settings but I’m not sure I understand that yet.
I am not yet to the point of using a MIDI device. I’m just trying to get connectivity to the A&H on the LAN via the WiFi in client mode. BTW I have a static route set up on my router from the Home Network to the Bome LAN address space.
You may try this but it is unsupported so if it doesn’t work, you might need to do a network reset or factory reset of your Bomebox. I was able to get this to work a few years ago although both WiFi and ethernet were standard class D networks in my test
I didn’t need to do any routing.
1 Set up Wireless as DHCP Client
2 Set up Ethernet as Ethernet Master
3 Advanced Configuration
Note, you are relying on your WiFi host to handle firewall from the internet.
Other hosts within the LAN will be free to do anything they can on BomeBox
Might need to review the settings of wan->lan to determine if this creates other security holes.
Thank you very much for this. I actually spent the day running some wires so that I could avoid using the Wi-Fi entirely. Previously I tried setting up another openWrt device as a Wi-Fi Lan bridge and had no luck so I’ll give this a try! I would think this is a very useful configuration (since the mixers do not have Wi-Fi client capability) at least in the home environment.
so as of now, I think I have connectivity and also the ability to use the normal control application on my Mac, I have yet to get the MIDI controller set up.
I was pretty frustrated to find out I even need a BomeBox! These mixers should allow use as a WiFi client and MIDI control out of the box. It was frustrating but the BomeBox seems very impressive so I figured that for $200 I was getting a lot more than a way to network the mixer. So a bit disappointing it didn’t do what I want out of the box, because that’s the primary reason I bought it.
I don’t get it. A&H thinks the only thing people use these mixers for is gigs? I would think most use would be like my case. A home studio where I want to connect to my main WiFi network and have access via my laptop etc without having to connect to a separate network or spend days figuring out how I can tweak a fader from a midi controller.
Anyway as an engineer, I’m quite impressed with your product, web application etc. and I know what I’m talking about . It’s gonna take some time as I’m having other, much worse issues with the Luminite controller that I bought that won’t do a single thing I bought it for. Very scrappy product with lots of potential but they don’t have anywhere near the resources I guess.
I appreciate your good words on our products. Hopefully you are also giving Allen&Heath constructive feedback. I’m not sure if their control center supports CQ-18T yet, but if it does, you could probably hook a WiFi Bridge up to your CQ to use WiFi between your CQ and your computer. Then use their control center to do the MIDI translation.
Of course, not knowing what your controller is that you want to use for remote control, it may or may not work. I think there is an option in A&H control center to use Mackie MCU and many controllers support that to some extent.
If you need help with a few translations, reach out here.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz