The picture you posted here shows that the Control Series Editor is opened.

It will need to be closed for BCF to work with Premiere Pro.
I’m not sure how well the BCF Mackie Emulation works, but once you have ensured that other MIDI applications (like Control Series Editor) are closed, it should probably work for you the way you have Premiere Pro set up.
If the Mackie Emulation of the BCF is not good, it is pretty straight forward to set this up with Bome MIDI Translator Pro. I would simply need to know what MIDI the BCF sends for various controls and the Mackie MCU function you want for each control. I can coach you on the process here. If using Bome MIDI Translator Pro, you will need to setup Premier Pro to use a Virtual MIDI port instead of the BCF Directly. I would pick Bome MIDI Translator Virtual 1 (BMT 1).
Then have Bome MIDI Translator Pro in between your controller and Premiere Pro
Controller → Bome MIDI Translator Pro → BMT 1 → Premiere Pro
Premier Pro → BMT 1 → Bome MIDI Translator Pro → Controller
In both cases we would put translators in Bome MIDI Translator Pro to convert the incoming MIDI messages from your Controller to Premier Pro and visa versa.
Here is an example:
In the attached we have 2 presets. The first preset is for all communication from your controller to the application. The second preset is for all communications from the application back to the controller.
In each preset I have one translator. Translator 0.0 translates from CC 10 on MIDI CH 1 to a raw MIDI message
90 68 7F - This is a Mackie Fader Touch Message
E0 qq qq = This is a pitch bend message on MIDI CH 1 which Mackie MCU uses
90 68 00 - This is a Fader Release Message
Note that the Mackie MCU protocol in most cases requires a touch message before it will recognize Fader messages
Translator 1.0 does the opposite. It takes the pitch Bend message and converts it back to CC 10 on MIDI CH1 to update the position of your motorized fader.
The messages are different for other faders. It is best if you can program CC messages in order (Say CC10 to CC18) as we can make rules and use only one translator for all faders.
Here are how my aliases are set up. You will need to set them up for your controller and application.

You can learn more about aliases from this tutorial.
Each preset is set up for specific port routing.
For more information about device selection, see this tutorial.
Attached is the demo project file.
Mackie-MCU-Fader-Demo.bmtp (1.4 KB)
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
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