CC to CV Smoothing Thru MIDI Translator

  • I am using Software (Cubase) to control Hardware (Eurorack Modular).

  • Cubase sends out 7 Bit CC which converts to steppy, zippery CV.

(I can slew the signal with modules but I lose the precision)

Google Search brought me to this forum so I downloaded the MIDI translator trial. No idea if it is what I am seeking so I am asking for help.

Is there a way to smooth out or convert the MIDI data before it hits the CV conversion? The FH-2 is automatically setup to receive 14 Bit CC when available but Cubase is limited to 7 bit. Am I out of options? Any hope of retaining the original CC precision? Thanks a bunch!

Hi and welcome to the Bome community!

If you can figure a way to get Cubase to send relative cc messages, then Bome MIDI Translator Pro could convert them to 14 bit CC or NRPN messages. You might need to ask Steinberg. I can provide an example of relative to 14 bit CC if that would help.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:
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I was able to set up a custom control on Cubase 13 with at 14 bit CC and it appears that it can both send and receive 14 bit.

1: MIDI IN [Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual In]: B0 10 08
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101: MIDI IN [Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual In]: B0 10 7F
102: MIDI IN [Bome MIDI Translator 1 Virtual In]: B0 30 7F


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Thank you very much Steve for your help and quick response!

I should have mentioned I’m stuck on Cubase 10 because my good ol’ Mac Pro is stuck on Mojave OS. That feature is not available for me.
MIDI Remote

: (

With Cubase 10, I have a MIDI Device Manager but I haven’t a clue what I’m doing or where I’m going. Does this look workable to you (see pic)? I will begin to read up on the MIDI Device Manager, but I don’t know what I’m even trying to do. Am I creating some kind of virtual MIDI Device to select as the input device in Cubase? Does that work?

Custom Control MIDI Input – to – MIDI Translator Output (and then in the Translator – to – FH-2)?

I have CC’s up to 30 to assign. Would I be creating a MIDI Device with 30 Knobs and a max value at 16383. I don’t see any properties outside of mix/max (Resolution or Value Mode, etc. ). Uh-Oh!

Any help will be very much appreciated!

If Cubase 10 cannot handle sending either 14 bit CC or relative CC’s, I’m not sure what Bome could do. As you say, 14 bit would give you 16384 (including zero) steps. We could convert a relative CC to a fixed 14 bit CC as well with Bome MIDI Translator.

This video tutorial discusses how to convert Relative to Absolute. It is less that 5 minutes long.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:
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I understand. Thanks again for the help Steve! Take Care. :slightly_smiling_face: