Control Allen&Heath CQ Mixer with Launch Control XL using BomeBox

Hello. Are there any resources that show how to set up my Bome Box to connect my Novation Launch Control XL HARDWIRED to my CQ18T? I need to be able to control my volume, mutes, mute groups/solos and send levels without taking any computers to gigs. I keep hearing this is possible but cant find any consistent info. Thanks.

Hi and welcome to the Bome community!

You would need to plug your LCXL into the USB host port of your BomeBox and use a network cable to connect between the BomeBox and A&H CQ.

You would also need Bome MIDI Translator Pro to develop your project file on Mac or PC and then upload it to BomeBox for execution.

The attached file is an example of fader 1 (factor 1) to control the CQ L/R Level.

This document provides the necessary MIDI commands to control the CQ.

LC-XL-to-Allen&Heath_CQ-Example.bmtp (1.5 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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