Controlling Davinci Resolve with AkaiPro MPD218

Hi @SteveC , I’m pretty new here, for the same reason, I just got the trial version of the Midi Translator Pro and I would like to control my DaVinci Resolve, but I do not have a beatstep, I use an Akai MPD218 instead and Im quite lost with all the info here, need to be sure I can make it happen using my Akai MPD before I purchase the full version licence

If it is possible, please, can you point me out on getting started, video resources that would help me get familiar, I believe if I can maybe program a knob I should be able to go through the others, but right now I have no idea where to even start from, all of this feels very strange, the keystrokes to buttons are pretty straightforward, adjusting the knobs to control sliders and saturation inputs is where the problem lies.

Should I purchase the full version of the app to get started? Or I can start learning how to map the knobs and keys to resolve straight away?


I split this into a new topic since you are asking about a different controller. With that said, many of the examples posted here for the Beatstep can be changed to work with the MPD218. It is primarily an exercise of changing the mapping to what your MPD218 sends. I believe you can program the MPD218 to send different CC values and types using the AkaiPro MPD218 editor.

It the below example, I set up the MPD218 to send CC 32 and CC 33 for the first two knobs (absolute values). In the project, each controller will click down at the mouse current location and then drag as you turn the knob. When you stop turning the knob, a click up event will be sent after a 1 second delay.

Knob1 handles up and down drag movement and knob2 handles left and right drag movement. We use multiple translators with timers to handle each outgoing even

  1. Set click up watchdog (100ms)
  2. Click down at current position
  3. Move (Drag)mouse
  4. Click up after movement starts (1000ms watchdog)

If your knobs send relative values, you will need to modify them using the MPD218 editor to send absolute values as this project is designed to look for absolute values.
Resolve-MPD218-2021-12-31.bmtp (6.3 KB)


Oh and we have lots of video tutorials on various types of functionality.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Hi Steve, thanks a lot for the reply, looks like this will not be as difficult as I thought, however, trying to go with your solution, ran into a few problems

  1. Searched the entire Akai website for the MPD 218 installer, couldnt find one, eventually got one from a google search and it does not change the values of the keys, unable to find my device when I try to load to device

  2. I tried to instead change the values in your Bome project file to match the values from my midi, and it kinda works, all it does is scroll up or down while auto clicking I guess

  3. On looking at the files dropped for the Beatstep by the OP I commented on originally, I saw there were click events for the knobs first before the movements, the MPD218 cannot be clicked.

  4. Is there probably someone that can help me make it work, and sell a working preset for MPD218 in DaVinci? Just in case I find this journey too difficult to embark on, smiles.

The MPD218 editor can be found on the AkaiPro website here

When you start turning the knob, the project file i sent you had a click down mouse event and when the timer triggered it send a mouse click up event.
You can also use pads to manually handle note type events on the MPD218

Not that I’m aware of and each person might have their own ideas for how to make knobs and buttons work. I’m available for this type of thing for a fee but would need to know every knob and button you want to program and what you want it to do. You can email me for my rates. I can coach you on some things here for free.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: