Hi, I’m trying to create a kick trigger with a Boss FS-5U plugged into the expression port of an Akai Advance 49. Here’s a screenshot of the data that one tap on the pedal currently creates. I’m not sure how to convert these expression values to a midi note. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Hi and welcome back!
Although it is no generally recommended to use an expression pedal input for a switch, the following project file should probably work for you. I’m assuming by your log that expression is CC 11.
We look at the value and if greater than or equal to 64 we send a note on. If less than 64 we send a note off. We track whether we have already sent the note on or note off by updating the value of ga. That way we don’t send multiple note-on or note-off as values change after the initial update. In this case I’m setting the note number to send a 48 (0x30) but you can adjust that if you would like. I’m using MIDI CH 1 which is the value of oo.
Here are the rules:
// determine if note on or note off
if qq>=64 then Goto "Note On"
Label "Note Off"
// note off already sent, don't send again
if ga==0 then exit rules, skip Outgoing Action
// set note off
Log "Log Note Off"
Goto "Done"
Label "Note On"
// note on already sent, don't send again
if ga==1 then exit rules, skip Outgoing Action
// Set Note On
Log "Log Note On"
Label "Done"
// Which note should I send
Then I add a "blocking translator to ensure the original CC11 MIDI message does not come through. This is needed because I have a MIDI thru path which will allow all other MIDI messages to normally pass through untouched.
Here is how I set up my aliases for testing. You will need to adjust for the actual physical MIDI ports that you are using.
You can learn more about aliases from this tutorial.
Expression-to-Note.bmtp (1.7 KB)
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
Wow, this worked, thank you! Unfortunately, the pedal isn’t very ergonomic to work as a trigger.
If I was to try this with a sustain pedal instead, what would I need to change? TIA!
It will likely work still.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
4 posts were split to a new topic: Expression Pedal through MPK249 to Ableton Live for Drums