I have an application where I want to take any incoming note on channel 4 and pass it directly out to channel 4 using the default midi connections. I know you can do direct pass-thru with the router feature. But I want to do it only when incoming notes are on a specific incoming midi channel no matter what incoming note is there. Any help? Thank you.
Hi, the easiest way for me is to create 3 translators and have no pass through routing. The first translator take any incoming 3 byte message. We use rules to look for the MIDI channel. If it is note MIDI CH 4 (03) then it exits, otherwise it passes the message along
I then to the same thing for any 2 byte messages. For 1 byte messages, there is no channel information so we just pass them through.
Here is a log of my test.
1: MIDI IN [Bome MIDI Translator 2 Virtual In]: 90 23 45
2: MIDI IN [Bome MIDI Translator 2 Virtual In]: 81 24 45
3: MIDI IN [Bome MIDI Translator 2 Virtual In]: B2 43 43
4: MIDI IN [Bome MIDI Translator 2 Virtual In]: B3 44 44
5: MIDI OUT [Bome MIDI Translator 2 Virtual Out]: B3 44 44
6: MIDI IN [Bome MIDI Translator 2 Virtual In]: C0 00
7: MIDI IN [Bome MIDI Translator 2 Virtual In]: C1 01
8: MIDI IN [Bome MIDI Translator 2 Virtual In]: C2 02
9: MIDI IN [Bome MIDI Translator 2 Virtual In]: C3 03
10: MIDI OUT [Bome MIDI Translator 2 Virtual Out]: C3 03
11: MIDI IN [Bome MIDI Translator 2 Virtual In]: F8
12: MIDI OUT [Bome MIDI Translator 2 Virtual Out]: F8
I have my aliases set up as follows. You will need to set them up for your actual devices.
You can learn more about aliases from this tutorial.
And the project file.
MIDI CH 4 ONly.bmtp (1.1 KB)
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
Thank you Steve. I remain a big fan of Bome products. And your support is always the best.
Best Regards,
Thanks for the kind words!
Hi Steve,
It has been awhile on this subject but I need to do the same thing for channel 10. I went into the rules where it said channel 4 and changed it to channel 10 but it did not work. Am I missing something? What exactly do I need to edit in order to change the channel in Bome from 4 to 10 (or any other channel in the future) to address the note pass through?
Thank you.
Hi, please see that attached project. The only thing I change is the comment on line 3 and the channel on line 4. Since MIDI 1=0 , then MIDI 10 =9.
I changed the same think in the rules of translator 0.1 and 0.2.
// get incoming MIDI channel into rr
// Only pass if MIDI CH 10
if rr!=9 then exit rules, skip Outgoing Action
MIDI CH 10 Only.bmtp (1.2 KB)
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
Hi Steve,
Thanks for the quick response! I am not sure I am understanding the numbering. ‘Since Midi 1=0, then Midi 4 = 9’. Then what is midi 10, or 12 or 9?
Also I wanted to actually pass the entire midi command to an outgoing midi message, so I could set up on translator to:
- check and see if the note is coming in on channel 10.
- Then if it is channel 10, pass the midi command: channel 10/Incoming [Note] to the outgoing message.
Sorry if I am not explaining myself correctly.
Thank you.
Sorry MIDI 10=9 . Will correct the typo.
That is what it does.
Thank you.