Cubase Preset

Morning folks from sunny Sydney,

Please forgive this old man’s question but when I load up the Cubase preset in my MIDI translator pro, what exactly am I looking at?

I can see that the screen is full of assorted parameters and I’m having trouble trying to relate what it all means and how this can be used to customise my setup.

I’m quite new to this type of MIDI data manipulation which clearly doesn’t help so any pointers would be most welcome.

Many thanks in advance for your help and patience.



Hi Steve, Welcome to the Forum!

Unfortunately I’m not sure which project file you are referring to. Could you post it so we can look?

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Hi Steve (what a great name!)

Thankyou for the welcome, it’s nice to be here.

My apologies for being so vague with my first post! I’ve hopefully uploaded a screen shot of what I was referring to however, if I have done it wrong the file I’m speaking of is one of the many presets that comes with my MTP. The preset is called “US-428 with Cubase VST remote.bmtp”

Many thanks in advance good sir.



Bome MTP Cubase preset|690x491

OK, so according to your screenshot you are trying to connect and X-Touch One with Cubase. With your X-Touch One, you can probably just connect it directly to Cubase after setting it up as a Mackie MCU device. It only has one knob and one fader and you can use the Mackie MCU protocol to use track up and down buttons and then use the fader to control volume and the knob to control Pan and VST (Instrument) parameters. My guess is the project file is for a different type of MIDI controller that has many more knobs.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Morning Steve,

That makes perfect sense and I’m kicking myself for not realising it straight away, I’m feeling quite embarrassed now!

I’m now going to make a fresh pot of coffee and put my thinking cap on to make some customisation’s for my setup. By the way, as I’m coming from an IT background I must say that MTP is a very elegant piece of software and I’m glad I bought it.

Thank you for your help (and patience)


Steve :grinning:

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