Device names changing on restart --Bome Box

Hi! I just spent a bunch of time setting my routes on the iOS app to from an iPad to a Mac Mini, but then after restarting the Mac Mini, the device name changed from LoopRig to MacMini-Loop Rig. This then broke the routes. Any idea how to avoid this and just lock routes to MAC address?


I’m a bit confused because the title of this post says BomeBox but in the description your are indicating connection between iPad and Mac MINI.
Where does the BomeBox play into this?

Typically device names will change if they are hooked up to another computer/device so did you change the name of your Mac MINI?

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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It’s also possible that you set up a Prefix on your virtual ports on your Mac MINI. Make sure in settings the virtual prefix and suffix fields are blank.


Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Hi, the BomeBox is being used to route USB MIDI devices to the iPad and computer ports, but I suppose it’s not really at play here. We didn’t change the name of the computer, nor did we add a prefix. I’ll keep you posted if it’s something that happens consistently.

Are you periodically changing routes on the BomeBox? If not, you could also use Remote Direct MIDI on your computers and not worry about routing on the BomeBox.

For instance is I want to get MIDI data from my APC MINI attached to the BomeBox, on my computer I could set the in port to BomeBox:APC MINI where ‘BomeBox’ is the BomeBox Name and ‘APC MINI’ is the port name of the attached APC MINI.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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We haven’t really messed with routes on the BomeBox, most of our routing is handled via the iOS Bome Network app and the Desktop Bome Network app via Remote Direct MIDI. It’s kind of a nuts setup (I came in for support to help with redundancy), so these guys have a lot of devices going to a lot of places. One thing that’s coming up is there doesn’t seem to be any central way to look at and save all routings on all devices. It would be great if the desktop, iOS and Web apps all talk to each other and allow us to see all the routings on all devices, and save a preset file that we could load if various components get corrupted or break in some way. So far, the backend of the Bome Network + Bome Box have been rock solid on this setup. I just spent about 100 hours ripping my hair out with the MioXM only to find that it cannot support frequent sysex packets (it irrecoverably crashes their firmware)…so I’m really appreciating the stability of this thing.

Right now you can access the settings (including routings) on computers based on this post, however there is no central point and I’m not sure where the routings are maintained on iOS or BomeBox devices.

On my computers, I periodically save backups of my settings files, but only if they are complicated enough not to easily re-create.

For BomeBox, I just backup the entire BomeBox to a file and store it on my computer.

I think we have seen a similar request before but just in case it was not capture, I put it through again.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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Hi @porangui , it’s fantastic to hear how well the BomeBox is working for you.

Regarding the Bome Network name, it should not revert back to the computer name on restart! Please let me know if that happens again, then we’d investigate it.

And of course, keeping backups is a good idea, but it should not be necessary for normal operation.

Hi, unfortunately this just happened again and broke all my routings. I’m attaching a photo this time.

It flipped from PLoopRigM1-1s-Mac-Mini to PLoopRiM11sMini.

A few restarts later, it reverted back to the original name. I’m going to try and create a very short system name and see what happens. The other system on the network has consistently just been called “mac-mini”.

oh no! By default Bome Network uses the host name, which, it seems, changes from time to time on that Mac Mini. But you can override that in Bome Network on the Mac Mini:

Thanks, I think the name change may have something to do with the name length. I shortened things up, made sure the network name was showing in Bome Network, and have prayed to the tech gods. I’ll keep you posted.