Hello, is there a chance to get some help to remapp my Pioneer DDJ SZ pads for easy toggle random banks or presets on Dmxis ?
I google months and months on forums to understand how to do it but i can’t figure out !
Bank/Preset control
DMXIS listens for “Note ON” messages on MIDI channels 15/16, and uses these to switch banks & presets. For example, sending MIDI Note 1 (i.e. the lowest MIDI note possible) on Channel 15 would load the 1st bank, and sending MIDI Note 6 on Channel 16 would load the 6th preset in the current bank…
DO you know what MIDI messages your pads on your DDJ SZ send?
If not, you could hook it up and monitor to see what messages it sends by checking MIDI IN. Then we could set up translators to translate that messages that your DMXIS needs.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
This tutorial should help explain about how to use aliases. You should not be using Bome MIDI Translator Virtual Ports. You should be using the actual connected devices.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
Hi Steve, i spent the whole day watching on Youtube about 30 tutorials about Bome but i have to be honest : i don’t understand what is going on. Shame on me …
So, i’m on the end on the road.
If you have time, when you have time and if you don’t mind, i will ask you to guide me trough this , step by step and i will be grateful all my life.
At least, for mapping just one pad and maybe i will get how is work.
Select the correct Aliases for your input and output device. I’m not sure what they will show on your system so if you are unsure, show me the port names that show up. I created aliases for these and you will need to assign them to your actual device names.
Push the button on your controller that sends None 32 on MIDI CH 9
You should see it in the log. If you see MIDI IN but not Incoming, then you are not pushing the correct button or the buttons are not as you indicated.
Once you have an incoming message, you should also see Outgoing and MIDI OUT going to your DMIS. If it doesn’t respond then the required message is not the right message as you indicated.
If you have any troubles. Capture the log window and post it here.
I hope this helps!
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
Thank you so much for your help!
So, i have follow your intructions but i’m stack with selecting corect Aliases, for input i have ddj sz but for output i don’t have see DMXIS…
I will attach …
Since your DMXis doesn’t seem to send MIDI (only receive), we should be able to provide a toggle feedback functionality to send LED information back to your DDJ.
The attached does this.
Preset 2 has a translator that toggles the global variable ga and alternately sends LED on and LED off messages back to your DDJ
Everything under Preset 0 will receive from DDJ and send to DMXis
Everything under Preset 1 will receive from DDJ and send to DDJ