Error adding virtual midi port: already exists

I’ve just added unlimited virtual midi ports license to my Bome software collection and am trying to set up ports.

From what I have read on this forum, i can create, for example, two ports: one named From Software X and another named To Software X and use them to route in and out of Software X.

When i create From Software X and then try to create To Software X, it presents Bome Network Error: Error adding virtual MIDI port: already exists.

No matter what i use as a name, if I try to create From Name and To Name I get this error. Is the use of From and To causing this error? I was under the impression I need to create a port for input and a port for output and i would like them to be similarly named.

When you create a virtual port, they are just endpoints. So you don’t need to create 2. You can create two pipes by for instance. Here I create the virtual port ‘Ableton Live’ and create a route in both directions.

IN: APC Key 25 → OUT: Ableton Live
IN: Ableton Live → OUT: APC Key 25

You could then also use another virtual port ‘Monitor’ and route for Monitoring messages.

IN: APC Key 25 → OUT: Monitor
IN: Ableton Live → OUT: Monitor

Now you could use any MIDI monitoring software to monitor the traffic in both directions.

You can also drag up the green line in the main windows of Bome Network Pro to monitor all traffic on all Bome Virtual ports.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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Thank you. I can create the port but I can’t seem to get it to work properly. I have no problem with using the MT Virtual Ports, but the Unlimited Named Virtual Ports are not working the same. Here is where I am:

I am trying to connect Uno2 Editor software to FCB1010.

First, with MT virtual ports, I create BMT1 in MT. In the router in MT, I connect these lines:


I open Uno2 editor and set:

Midi Input: BMT1
Midi Output: BMT1

I then click ‘Test’ in Uno2 editor and it immediately discovers FCB1010. Works great.

When I try and use one of the Unlimited ports instead:

First, I disconnect the lines in MT to disconnect BMT1 from FCB1010 so I can use the port I am about to create.

In Bome Network, I create a virtual midi port named Uno2. It shows up in MT as an input and an output. I check the boxes to open the ports and they show up in the MT Midi router. I connect lines between:


I go to Uno2 Editor and select:

Midi Input: Uno2
Midi Output: Uno2

I click ‘Test’ and it times out. I figure maybe I am supposed to create the route in Bome Network so I do so:

Uno2 Virtual in---->U6Midi Pro 3 [2] Virtual out
U6Midi Pro 3 [2] Virtual in----->Uno2 Virtual out

U6MidiPro 3 [2] is the port to which I have the FCB1010 connected, BTW.

I ensure the routes are checked. I go back to Uno2 editor and click ‘Test’ and I seem to get a feedback loop and it times out.

I figure that may be because of the MT route that is still connected so I disconnect this route in MT. I go back to Uno2 editor and click ‘Test’. It times out.

Just to make sure, I disable the route in Bome Network and reenable the BMT1 route in MT and then return to Uno2 Editor, click ‘Test’ and it works great.

So how am I going wrong here? How are the new unlimited ports treated differently than the built in MT virtual ports?

Sorry for so much confusion. I know this will all work perfectly once I wrap my head around the concept.

Perhaps you don’t have proper routing in your U6MIDI Pro 3.

I have tested the following configuration.

FCB 1010 DIN OUT → UMC404HD → USB → Computer
Computer → USB → UMC404HD → FCB 1010 DIN IN

In Bome Network Pro, I have the following routes.

Everything works fine.

In your case, I would change the routes by using the ‘U6MIDI Pro 3’ instead of ‘UMC404HD 192K MIDI’ name that your computer reports as U6MIDI Pro Port 3

So perhaps you don’t have the routing correct in your U6 MIDI box which is creating undesirable loopbacks.

The yellow lines in the below are my recommendation if you are connecting to your U6 MIDI to your computer via USB.

The orange lines just depict an example from the manual.

You can also look at the MID being transferred using the Bome Network tool. Drag the green line up from the bottom.

And you will see this after running your test. Of course this would be with your port names.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Thank you for your reply, Steve. Aside from my U6Midi connected to Bomebox instead of the computer, all is as you said.

I have just discovered, though, that if i close MTP, it works.

So, how do i get the virtual port working with MTP in the same way the MTP virtual ports work?

Create another Virtual Port for use with Bome MIDI Translator Pro


The make routes like this
IN: U6Midi Pro 3 → OUT: Uno2-MT
IN: Uno2-MT → OUT: U6MidiPro 3

Then in Bome MIDI Translator Pro, open up Uno2-MT

Each application then has its own copy of a virtual port which is necessary on Windows PC’s since the Windows Standard Driver do not support Multi-Port connections.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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