I have been using your products for many years and am very satisfied.
I use them in a live shows that talks to all the machines in the network, and managing so many things.
Now I am upgrading the machines but I have a strange and new problem with prompter management.
I made the prompters by simply putting many monitors in parallel, and on these monitors I display many full-screen pdfs.
Everything has always worked perfectly, sometimes even with the new installation:
363: OUT 10.89 MIDI 12 bytes: BB 62 25 BB 63 0C BB 06 00 BB 26 00
364: OUT 9.6 activate only next preset
365: OUT 10.9 Executed ‘C:\Frank\Dischetto SHOW\Spettacolo\scaletta/1 minute.pdf’
366: IN 10.7 MIDI 90 03 7F
367: Deactivated preset 10: countdown 1 minute
368: Activated preset 11: countdown 30 seconds
369: IN 11.1 on activation of this preset (countdown 30 seconds).
However, here is an example of the error that also blocks Bome MIDI Translator and forces me to close it and restart it:
399: OUT 11.89 MIDI 12 bytes: BB 62 25 BB 63 0C BB 06 00 BB 26 00
400: OUT 10.7 activate only next preset
401: OUT 11.9 Error: Cannot execute ‘C:\Users\Frank\AppData\Roaming\Bome\TempProjects/30 seconds.pdf’
402: IN 11.6 MIDI 90 02 7F
403: Deactivated preset 11: countdown 30 seconds
404: Activated preset 12: countdown 10 seconds
405: IN 12.1 on activation of this preset (countdown 10 seconds).
Hi Steve, your insight allowed us to discover the problem.
So I checking ‘log’, many lines in my project point to folder ‘%APPDATA%\Bome\TempProjects’.
I didn’t know why and i never used.
My files are in another folder, also in the old system and project… however:
1 - I change path files, but it only worked on a few rows.
2 - so I wrote new rows but it didn’t works.
3 - I put the pdf files ALSO inside ‘%APPDATA%\Bome\TempProjects’ and the project works!
Now we need to understand why the project does not update the paths
I pasted manually the full paths inside the link field (outgoing… execute file… link field)
If I using the BROWSE BUTTON (outgoing… execute file… browse) the function doesn’t works good and point strangely to this folder %APPDATA%\Bome\TempProjects
Don’t know if it’s just my problem, anyway thanks for everything, now it’s ok