Error: Cannot execute "C:\Users\Frank\AppData\Roaming\Bome\TempProjects\

I have been using your products for many years and am very satisfied.
I use them in a live shows that talks to all the machines in the network, and managing so many things.
Now I am upgrading the machines but I have a strange and new problem with prompter management.
I made the prompters by simply putting many monitors in parallel, and on these monitors I display many full-screen pdfs.

Everything has always worked perfectly, sometimes even with the new installation:
363: OUT 10.89 MIDI 12 bytes: BB 62 25 BB 63 0C BB 06 00 BB 26 00
364: OUT 9.6 activate only next preset
365: OUT 10.9 Executed ‘C:\Frank\Dischetto SHOW\Spettacolo\scaletta/1 minute.pdf’
366: IN 10.7 MIDI 90 03 7F
367: Deactivated preset 10: countdown 1 minute
368: Activated preset 11: countdown 30 seconds
369: IN 11.1 on activation of this preset (countdown 30 seconds).

However, here is an example of the error that also blocks Bome MIDI Translator and forces me to close it and restart it:
399: OUT 11.89 MIDI 12 bytes: BB 62 25 BB 63 0C BB 06 00 BB 26 00
400: OUT 10.7 activate only next preset
401: OUT 11.9 Error: Cannot execute ‘C:\Users\Frank\AppData\Roaming\Bome\TempProjects/30 seconds.pdf’
402: IN 11.6 MIDI 90 02 7F
403: Deactivated preset 11: countdown 30 seconds
404: Activated preset 12: countdown 10 seconds
405: IN 12.1 on activation of this preset (countdown 10 seconds).

Can you help me?

error.txt (48.3 KB)

Hi and welcome back!

It looks like there is a file on your old system that you need to move to your new system.

On you old system in file manager put this in your address bar


Find the file ‘30 Seconds.pdf’ and copy it to a thumb drive or dropbox.

Then go to the same place on your new system an put the file there.

There may be other files in that location that you need to copy over too.

If you have further issues, I think I would need to see the project file.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Hi Steve, your insight allowed us to discover the problem.

So I checking ‘log’, many lines in my project point to folder ‘%APPDATA%\Bome\TempProjects’.
I didn’t know why and i never used.
My files are in another folder, also in the old system and project… however:

1 - I change path files, but it only worked on a few rows.
2 - so I wrote new rows but it didn’t works.
3 - I put the pdf files ALSO inside ‘%APPDATA%\Bome\TempProjects’ and the project works!

Now we need to understand why the project does not update the paths :wink:

Make sure the entire path is quoted, especially if there are spaces in the path or file name.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Hello finally now everything is right

  • I pasted manually the full paths inside the link field (outgoing… execute file… link field)
  • If I using the BROWSE BUTTON (outgoing… execute file… browse) the function doesn’t works good and point strangely to this folder %APPDATA%\Bome\TempProjects

Don’t know if it’s just my problem, anyway thanks for everything, now it’s ok


In your file explorer type %APPDATA%\BOME\TempProjects
and then hit enter.

It should come back with something like:


Then use that as your outgoing action along with the file name as you outgoing action.


‘C:\Users\Frank\AppData\Roaming\Bome\TempProjects\30 seconds.pdf’

Be sure to include the quotes since the file name has spaces in it.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: