Error: Cannot execute "/volume/

So I’m using Home midi translator to execute file
I have hundreds of these working fine
But a few are not responding and I get the error message

Error: Cannot execute "/Volume/ABLETON SSD/Ableton Multitracks/1999 - F# - 119BPM.als

This is my pointed file I’m trying to open

This is happening with a few of my files
Yet hundreds are working fine

I’ve made another 6 similar translators and all work fine

Put double quotes around your filename and path.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

I don’t think this is the issue as I use the “browse” option and select it that way

Out of over 600 tracks with the same format and Ableton template only a few don’t trigger

Thanks for your reply.

Are there any file paths that are as long as this one? Are the ones working shorter?
Do any other file paths that are working also have spaces in them?
Do any other file paths that are working have any special characters?
Did you try entering a double quote at both ends of the path to see if it worked?

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Hi Steve
All the file paths are similar and as long or longer,
They are all on an external HD
The file names all carry a consistent format

I haven’t tried double commas but will check shortly
Failing that I will try a shorter name and rule out any possible issue there or special characters

I’ll update you later


Also, if you double click on any of the file names that are failing, do they open? On the once that work, do they open? I’d like to rule out that this is not a problem with the operation system as I have not yet experienced this issue.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

If I double click on the file from the finder window it opens with no issues

I’m wondering if renaming the files in question may help. Maybe the character set used when originally naming the file was different. Looking at what you posted it looks OK. And since longer file paths work, I don’t think it is an issue with how MT Pro is handling long file names, but if there is a different character set than Ansi, in there, perhaps it is getting confused when storing the file path and then passing a corrupt path name on to the OS.


Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

I’ve tried renaming and no avail

Failing all this I will copy the data and open a new Ableton Set
And save as a new file and check

Hi @SteveC

The fix seems to be omitting certain characters from the file name path

It seems “#” are the culprit
I was including the names of keys such as F#

If you wrap quotes around it, does it work?

I use the “Browse” option, all my Ableton projects are on an external HD, (there’s over 600)

In the log window I monitored the error

It automatically adds double quotes to the file name and was still not triggering
However the filenames with #'s in them didn’t open

Double clicking the file from the finder window opens the Ableton project,
I simply hot save as, omitted the F# (key) from the name and then collect all and save

Then point the translator to the new name
Delete the previous an voila

Hi, thanks for reporting this! I will forward this on for resolution, but at least for now, we have a workaround.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:
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Hi SteveC,

I’m on the trial version of the software, testing to see if it will work for me, and I seem to be experiencing the same issue. I’ve tested lots of different file names and file paths, and it seems like if I have a ‘^’ character anywhere in the path, it will return an error. This is a big issue for me, because all my projects are saved in a folder called ‘^Sound’, which is saved in ‘^Directory’. Renaming these folders would cause me untold misery.

To be sure, I moved the selected file to the desktop and changed the filepath, and boom, it opened no problem. Then, I put the file into a folder called ‘^test’, and it failed to open.

Has this issue already been fixed in the full version? If not, I’m afraid I can’t use this software, which is such a shame.

Here are screenshots to confirm.

Screenshot 2023-08-20 at 19.22.08

And one more to confirm that when I removed the ‘^’ from the ‘^test’ folder name, it works.

Seems like it’s definitely a problem with the special characters.

Hi and thanks for reporting this! I confirm that this does not currently work on Mac, however does work on Windows. I will report it for you so that the issue can be queued up for fixing. I’m also looking for a workaround. I’m thinking that if you create a symbolic link without a ‘^’ in the Mac command line to point the original location, it might work. Stay tuned.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:


Original location /Users/Steve/Downloads/^test/huiom.pdf

In terminal, Created a symbolic link

cd Downloads
ln -s ^test symlink

This creates a symbolic link so the system sees the folder ^test as symlink as well as the original folder name.

Now I can use:


and it works. You might need to enter ‘symlink’ manually after selecting the file.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

We’ve just released version 1.9.1 which should fix this issue: