What are the chances of Eucon support? Would HUGELY facilitate workflow automation being able to interface keystrokes/midi/eucon
Hi @mwesse
Thanks for your suggestion. I have not heard this request before (that I remember). Adobe Premiere Pro uses Eucon but I’m not sure how many other apps do. Is there a specific use case that you are looking for? Maybe there is another way to solve what you want to do. In the meantime, I will see that your request gets into the right hands.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
Thanks Steve
Im using Cubase, because of Mackie control issues where the UI choice does not update banking etc I have gone to a eucon to test. At this stage just the free avid control which works quite well but its clunky and verbose compared to gesturing so it looks like the ultimate would be ability to use bome to fill in the gaps. Unfortunately the designers of Eucon considered the tech and thats all great but not the human interface nor psychology of ergonomics
Being able to emulate Eucon would be wild
What is crazy is that no one has made a dedicated midi translation utility dealing just with gesturing either…morningstar have a great one but only useful if you are using their hardware
If only there was something like this that just generated a closed prog with midi in/out
Hi, when Eucon was introduced, it was a closed protocol and we did not want to sign or even pay for a Eucon license. I don’t know the current status, but it’s been quiet about Eucon, so I assumed that not many people used it…
Anyway, at this time I doubt we’re going to support it. MIDI 2.0 will be a much better replacement…
Cheers Florian
I know many people that use it…but you hit the nail on the head…people consider it closed so never think about tweaking…I understand it may not be worth the effort…but the gesture comment I just added…I would happily pay for that; I asked Morningstar about a generic prog as a web editor but never go a reply