Faderfox / Gig Performer Conundrum?

They’re the same on both…


See the video I sent around 2:16. You are trying to access the BMT port on your remote computer so you will need to enable Remote Direct MIDI on those ports and then change your aliases accordingly.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Please can you make the video public Steve? (Is set to private)
I found this video but is only 58 seconds long so must be different
Many thanks

Try this video around the 00:59


Thanks Steve
Im entering my name and license number into the app but when I try to connect to the other pc, it says ;purchase now’ - do I have the correct license?

ah my bad, I have “unlimited named midi ports”! I’ll buy the other one!

If I remember, you can copy and paste the entire area including name and license key into the license key field.

With that said, if you are seeing your fader fox, you should see any other ports that you have checked.

They will show up in Bome MIDI Translator Pro as follows:
Just assign the aliases to the new port names.


Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Hi Steve
Hope Im not pestering but think I described the issue badly. Im using an iconnectivity device so my issue wasn’t getting the Faderfox outputting to the 2nd pc, it just that it was only seeing messages sent from Faderfox and not being translated, even though the log window (on BMT Pro) shows it as being translated on BMT Pro. Ive tried 3 different midi monitors and several DAWS, vst’s and ends up the same. I think Ive proper ballsed it up now though and the original pc that was sending BMT ok is now also only sending untranslated. I’m obviously not an expert at this, but was wondering if could ask you? Should the 2nd pc have been able to output BMT using the same preset/script (on midi monitors) that the 1st pc was outputting correctly?
I don’t think Bome Network Pro was needed in this case (although I definitely see it as v useful down the line). Please can I ask you for a pointer Steve? Im really struggling here.

Many thanks again


Well the iConnectivity devices have routing of their own built in so it is possible that the device is sending to multiple ports and in some case bypassing Bome MIDI Translator Pro.

I would need to know more about your configuration and how you have the iConnectivity setup to send to Both computers. I’m guessing that you are using two USB device ports, one going to each computer and routing from USB 1 device Port (computer A) and USB 2 device Port (computer B). Then on each computer using Bome MIDI Translator Pro to determine which virtual port to use for Gig Performer on each machine.

Maybe you can explain in more detail the iConnectivity device type that you are using and the signal path?

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Hi Steve
many thanks for taking the time on this, much appreciated.
Ive got Faderfox sending to iconnectivity mioxl Din 1 and Din 2. As it happens, Din 2 is redundant here, Im just using Din 1 to send Faderfox to both Pc A (which Ive called DAW) and Pc B (which Ive called VSL). Both are receiving Faderfox ok (btw if I send Din 1 to PC A and Din 2 to Pc B, the same thing happens, it doesn’t make any difference).

PC A (DAW) was always receiving BMT translated from the script you very kindly did for me. As it happens also, Ive managed to get it back to receiving BMT …I had just made a silly omission on that one, so Pc A is back to normal).

The issue is Pc B doesn’t translate to BMT, even though the log window says it is ok in BMT Pro. PC just says “Faderfox: Controller number: channel number”
All other settings are exactly the same (in BMT Pro, Gig Performer etc)
I think this is all the detail I can think of. I’ve added the BMT preset as well. Very kind of you Steve, thanks

Gig-Performer-Virtual-Controllers Proper.bmtp (8.7 KB)

btw I tried changing the aliases to DAW: Bome Midi Translator 1 etc and using Bome Network to connect the pcs, but it was the same result

Are you using USB Device port to connect to Pc A? How are you connecting to Pc B? Are you using RTP MIDI from your iConnectivity or are you using Bome Network to route data from Pc A to PC B?

I see in your mioXL setup you are sending from DIN 1 to multiple destinations.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Cheers Steve, the iconnectivity isn’t connected to either pc by usb.
The Faderfox needs usb for power but as far as I know, no midi data is being sent here, only data from Din 1 Faderfox out into iconnectivity Din 1 in. The midi is then sent via rtp to both PC A & B.
The Faderfox usb (for power) was actually connected to PC B (VSL), but Ive also changed it connect to PC A (DAW) for power and is the same.

Not using Bome Network at present. I tried Remote Direct Midi and changing the aliases but it was same result on PC B (ie not being translated). One thing I am v curious about is…on Bome Network on PC A (DAW), when I try to open Bome Midi Translator 1-9, they say “pending” in red (this obviously relates to the virtual port from PC B (VSL). Is that the issue Steve?

Many thanks

OK, so you are sending directly to both Pc A and Pc B via RTP-MIDI, but you only have Bome MIDI Translator running on Pc-A right? If so you have a few choices.

  1. Purchase another Bome MIDI Translator Pro license for Pc B and run a duplication copy of your project on Pc B

  2. Add Remote Direct MIDI routes on Pc A to Virtual ports on Pc B and modify your presets to enable and disable routes to both. Then run Bome MIDI Translator Pro only on PC A.

The main pro of solution 2 is not needing to buy another Bome MIDI Translator Pro license as with one license you should not run Bome MIDI Translator Pro concurrently on both computers. On the downside, of course, if Pc A fails nothing will work which is the Pro of Solution 1. Also Solution 1 requires less re-programming.

Which direction to you prefer?

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

For Solution A, I’ve updated with the below file, however I only set up the first 2 ports.

Here are my aliases:

As I switch presets, I do it for both Pc A and Pc B.

Here is what Remote Direct MIDI looks like on Pc A.

Gig-Performer-Virtual-Controllers Proper-a.bmtp (9.6 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Ah sorry Steve I didn’t realise I needed 2 licenses!
I’ll buy a new license, I’m a big fan

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ps thanks for starting the preset changes that’s really useful ta

hi again Steve
I’ve completed the ports and midi routings (I think) correctly but Pc B is still not translating. Please can I ask you to check and see what Ive missed?
Gig-Performer-Virtual-Controllers VSL.bmtp (11.7 KB)

So since it looks like you are using solution 2, you don’t want to send any MIDI from your iConnectivity using RTP MIDI to Pc B. Bome MIDI Translator should now do it for you from PC A.

Maybe that is now the issue.


Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Hi Steve

oh no I’m really lost! I don’t think I’m explaining it very well sorry.
iconnectivity is definitely sending via rtp to PC B but it’s not being translated (just says Faderfox controller#channel #) even though the log window in BMT Pro on PC B definitely shows it is being translated…
It is sending though, so I thought I was doing solution 1 using a new license for BMT Pro (on PC B). Can’t for the life of me work out why.
Couldn’t get solution 2 with Bome Network working but I probably didn’t configure it correctly. Do you think though that that is the best way to go possibly?
thanks again