Faderfox / Gig Performer Conundrum?

Hi All
Have a bit of a headscratcher (at least for my skill level) and would greatly appreciate any tips to point me in the right direction, thanks.

I have a Faderfox pc12 which I want to use to control several fx plugin chains on Gig P.erformer The idea being that everything is extensively mapped/bypassed but ready to go which is my goal for performance. The pc12 has over 20 channels but if you take for eg a large plugin like Fabfilter Volcano, it’s easy to allocate 3-4 of these channels once you have the modulation sources. I initially thought that it would be possible to use ports on the pc12, like A, B, C, D on Kontakt or Halion but don’t think this is the case (I may be wrong). So essentially what I’m hoping to do is use Aliases and Virtual Outs in Bome to send different messages from the Faderfox, so the first chain could be on (for eg) port A, 2nd chain on port B (like Kontakt would do… with 16 channels on each). I’ve been at it several days on and off, and I’m sure it’s staring me in the face but I just can’t see it. At present, regardless if I create Faderfox Alias 1 or Alias 2, as far as Gig Performer is concerned, it’s the same thing and all the routing options Ive tried haven’t worked.

So anyway, I fully accept I’m a bit of an all-the-gear-no-idea guy but am very keen to learn, any help greatly appreciated. Thanks

Hi Jon,

It sounds like you want your single controller act like multiple virtual controllers, each with their own port to Gig Performer. Reading the PC12 manual, it appears that MIDI messages go out all ports so you would need to have a port routing scheme in Bome MIDI Translator Pro.

In the attached example I use Program Change 0 value to select a specific preset. Each preset will upon activation, activate a given MIDI route while de-activating other routes. I would suggest that you program one knob or button to handle this and it would be available always. The incoming trigger for port change in in translator 0.5.

In the rules, we ensure that only valid ports/presets (as defined by the global variable gb) are used.

The first preset (always on) handles managing which single preset is active. Then in each preset we turn on routing to the given port when activated and turn off routing to the given port when de-activated.

I use the global variable ga as the default numbered preset at startup and the setting for the current active preset. I use the global variable gb to define the maximum number of presets to use. These are both set at startup in the rules of translator 0.2. If you add more presets, you will need to modify the value of gb and then restart the project. You will also need to create new MIDI routes and adjust the preset input/output device selection in case you want to add translators to a given preset.

My aliases are set up as follows. I’m using my FaderFox EC4 as a controller:


You can learn more about aliases from this tutorial.

For more information about device selection, see this tutorial.

Gig-Performer-Virtual-Controllers.bmtp (3.1 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Hi Steve that’s brilliant man, huge thanks

Hi again Steve

Just come to implement your advice and would like to ask if I could ask a couple of questions? Firstly, the Project you made is absolutely exactly what I was hoping to do and it’s massively going to change my ability to compose and perform - it’s a huge deal so enormous thanks for that…

I’m struggling with one thing though. Preset 1 (Gig Performer Port 1) doesn’t send any data. I believe I may have done something but can’t see what it is. All the others 2-8 are good, but even if I duplicate a preset and change the 2 rules, port 1 and 9 don’t send.

Re the preset select, I couldn’t get that to work for some reason but checked out a page you did with stream deck and that’s working brilliantly.

I guessed that the 1 and 9 issue is related to this rule ga=ga+1
if ga>9 then ga=1

but have been at it for hours… and I’m sure it’s a small thing I’m missing but any help is greatly appreciated. Big thanks Steve!


I won’t be able to figure it out by screen shots so maybe you can post or PM me the project file.

I noticed you have activate next preset on output and that would not be what you want to do if you had preset 9 activated. What I sent you was activate by number using the value of ga.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Hi Steve

That’s very kind many thanks

Gig-Performer-Virtual-Controllers Test.bmtp (9.8 KB)

OK, here is what I did.

1 - Set value of gb to 9 in Set Globals
2 - Put some Log rules in 0.5 when out of range
3 - 10.1 rule from if ga>9 to if ga>gb then ga=1
4 - 10.2 rule from if ga<1 then ga=5 to if ga<1 than ga=9
5 - 10.3 rule to ga=1
6 - similar to 10.4-10.10 setting absolute port number not incrementing or decrementing
7 - Set all incoming values on preset 10 note on any velocity instead of 64
8 - Set outgoing actions of translators in preset 10 to preset by number instead of name with value of ga. Rules set the value of ga
9 - Set outgoing ports of presets 1-9 to the correct GP port in case you want to add translators to those presets
10 -Set incoming port on preset 10 to ‘My Controller’. You may also want to add StreamDeck if it sends the same data otherwise, you will need different translators for StreamDeck vs FaderFox.
11 - I suggest you move all translators in preset 10 up to preset 0 then delete preset 10. Bome MIDI Translator Pro always executes in the order of presets and translators.

If you have a preset that is not outputting any data, check to see that you have your outgoing aliases mapped correctly and that the port it points to is available and open.
Gig-Performer-Virtual-Controllers Test-sjc.bmtp (9.9 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Thats proper brilliant Steve. I’m kinda new to this so there’s no way I’d have got here on my own but Im gonna make a real concerted effort to get to grips with this. Its massively changed how I can do music though so huge thanks again

1 Like

Hi again Steve

sorry man I hate to feel like Im pestering.

The streamdeck sends out data fine but just cant see how to remedy the port 1 and 9 issue. I see that when pressing port 1 then port 9 is “open (implicit)” and vice versa, so presume they’re clashing with each other?? but cant see anywhere how to fix it


Gig-Performer-Virtual-Controllers Test-sjcwith Streamdeck.bmtp (9.82 KB)

On presets 1-9 make sure that Streamdeck is also selected as an input device. Example for preset 1 below:

For more information about device selection, see this tutorial.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Hi Steve

I’ve checked those many thanks. It was actually doing the same behaviour prior to that (although they all say (implicit) now so that’s obviously a good thing. Port 1 on the Log Window is sending the correct data but strangely port 9 is also sending the same as port 1.

Gig Performer cant see either port 1 or 9 so I can only deduce it’s a Gig Performer thing so will look that side too.

Was very surprised to receive a reply Steve as I thought you were in US or Canada and it’s the middle of the night but thanks all the same!

Ps Ive figured out port 9 (1 is still a mystery) thanks

Can you see port 1 if you sending to another app? Do you have other MIDI apps running, Maybe port 1 is open on a different application causing it to not allow GP to open it. On Windows only one application can use a given MIDI port at a time.

I’m indeed in the USA but I’m some sometimes on add odd hours too.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Im guessing it’s the streamdeck, it’s the only other thing running. It’s ok I can work around it , cheers Steve!

Hi Steve
How are you?
You very kindly helped me with this ports issue a few months ago and is working really well, much appreciated, but I’m trying to get it working across 2 pcs. May I ask your help please? Been at this for a couple of days and getting nowhere. The 2nd pc only recognises Faderfox (not Bome Midi Translator 1, 2 etc…The settings are exactly the same on BMT Pro and Gig Performer). If possible, may I send you the preset?
Kind Regards
Kind Regards,

Sure, post your project file.

My guess is that you may need to use Remote Direct MIDI, so that you have direct access to the remote virtual port from your second computer.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Many thanks Steve

Gig-Performer-Virtual-Controllers Proper.bmtp (8.9 KB)


Ps is Remote Direct Midi the same as Bome Network Steve? (Just searching for Remote Direct Midi on the Bome site but doesn’t come up with that name)… I bought this a month or so ago but haven’t got round to using it yet as my studio has had to be moved - is this the fix possibly?

thanks again

Can you show me how your aliases are setup when running between 2 computers?


Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

See this tutorial on Remote Direct MIDI.

Edit: Go to around 2:16 in the timeline.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz