It would be great if BMTP had a feature that Metagrid Pro has. And that is the ability to assign a switch group number to a group of objects, in BMTP’s case that would be Presets. When one Preset in the group is activated, the others automatically deactivate. So only one Preset in the group is active at any one time.
Hi, thanks for the suggestion. I’ll pass it along.
In the meantime you could use a global variable to assigned different translators to a given group and use rules to only execute that translators if they belong to that group number (as defined by the global variable).
Say you create group 1. In the beginning of the rules in the translator you have the following. and using ga as the group number.
//What group am I in?
// only execute if I'm in the group
if ga!=rr then exit rules, skip outgoing action
// commands to execute if in the current group
// ...
Similarly there is setting for disabling all other presets (except for always on) when a preset is activated.
You can even have translators that deactivate target presets when the current preset is activated (or on any other incoming trigger)
Also you can activate and deactivate presets with timers using preset numbers instead of preset names.
So maybe you can provide a bit more detail of what you are looking for that currently cannot be done. Maybe just a global concept of a group?
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services:
Thanks Jesse, I like the idea of named switch groups. And while at that, could also add named link groups (enabling one preset will enable all others in the same link group, and the same for disabling).