Feeback problem with Xtouch entender

Good morning
I am a new user of MT and not very good in English (google translate)
I built a file to manage my motorized faders for Qlab and Xtouch extender but I have a
BANK FADER MT 1 mars 24 .bmtp (9.1 KB)
BANK FADER MT 1 mars 24 .bmtp (9.1 KB)
also if you have a solution I agree. I would like to stay in midi mode
I don’t know enough about Mackie mode.
thanks again

Hi and welcome to the Bome community!

I’m not sure if if Qlab can learn and echo back MIDI messages that are sent. I looked at the manual but didn’t see if there was any learn function and did not see anything about MIDI feedback.

I did, however adjust the project.

First, I set up aliases as follows for my testing. Yours will likely be different. I use aliases in case the environment changes. I don’t like things set up to hard ports.


Then I set up the MIDI device inputs and outputs at the preset level. Doing this will make it much easier to manage in the future by not having to change a lot of translators. I have one preset for Extender to Qlab messages and another for Qlab to extender (feedback message).

For more information about device selection, see this tutorial.

Fader-Qlab-2024-03-10.bmtp (5.1 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

thank you very much I will try now