I’m trying to use the MT Pro to filter messages on my bome box.
I’d like to be able to filter out CC messages on certain channels which are sent from Ableton on my laptop over network to the bome box and then output to a keyboard connected to the DIN OUT port on the bome box.
I’ve set my computer network connection as an alias for the INPUT, the keyboard as another alias for the OUTPUT, assigned them in the bome box browser and used the following settings in MT Pro but the CC messages are still getting through according to my MIDI monitor.
In Ableton Live, disable all tracks except Bome MIDI Translator 1.
In Bome MIDIT Translator Pro, set you Input alias to Bome MIDI Translator Virtual Port 1 and Instrument to BomeBoxTools: BomeBox DIN.
Then it should work. Basically in the current configuration you are bypassing Bome MIDI Translator Pro by sending directly to the BomeBox port. You want Ableton to only send through the translator in Bome MIDI Translator Pro.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
Yes, if you are running on the BomeBox, then upload your project file and set your alias on your BomeBox for Computer to your computer name and Instrument to BomeBox DIN. Then in Ableton LIve, you should have the track output send to Your BomeBox Name (BomeTools).
Then the project on your BomeBox will block the messages sent to your device. However if you want it to let other MIDI pass you will need to set up a route (thru path) in your project to let other messages through.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
My error was routing to the Remote Direct MIDI DIN in Ableton instead of the main bome box as well as failing to have a MIDI thru route enabled for everything else.