FLS Forgetting Links

I work hard to set up links for my controllers and every so often FL Studio just forgets them.
It is usually after a while of not using the controllers, and I have a newer updated version of FLS.
So I go to tweak the knobs and FLS gives me a question mark, but the links still exist.
Do you know why this might happen?

Does it happen to all mappings of a given controller or just a few of them? If it happens to all, perhaps the incoming MIDI port driver is stuck. Are there specific controllers it happens to or is it controller independent? Are you routing your controllers through MT Pro and using MT Pro virtual ports? If so, can you see the activity in the log file of MT Pro?

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

I fired off this question as soon as it happened because I got tired of it happening.
It only happened to the volume faders on my launch control. Everything else seems to be intact.
I think this is probably an FL Studio bug.

Is FL Studio connecting to your your launch control directly or is it going through Bome MIDI Translator using a virtual port. Maybe you Bome Project (or some other application) is holding the LC port open and not letting FL Studio access it?

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

It’s completely disconnected from FLS. I run everything through MTP.
Dunno, it usually happens with a new update. Don’t think I will be able to isolate a cause when some of the links aren’t broken, but some are. I got lucky this time; only had to redo eight links so far.