Hello, I use an infinite knob that send a midi CC in relative mode, I would like to translate that to a cycle throught notes C-2 to C0
is this possible ? Thanks
Hello, I use an infinite knob that send a midi CC in relative mode, I would like to translate that to a cycle throught notes C-2 to C0
is this possible ? Thanks
Yes, please show a log of your incoming encoder as there is one more relative mode that it may be using.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
here it is
please can you confirm that this behavior mean BMT grap wathever information coming from the virtual port nAc and pass them to the port BMT2 exclusively
Hi, please find the attached. I didn’t see that you ever turned the knob left but if you did, it is probably 127 (-1) or less. If it is a Mackie MCU type encoder left turn would start with 0x41.
Here are the commented rules. We use the global variable ga to contain that incoming value. We scale that value so that it is 0-24. I set the note velocity to 127 but we never send note off messages.
// determine direction and amount (if accelleration)
if qq>64 then pp=128-qq
if qq>64 then pp=pp*-1
if qq<64 then pp=qq
//outgoing velocity
// store the value
// restrict bounds
if ga>127 then ga=127
if ga<0 then ga=0
// between c-2 (0) and C0 (24)
// Scale it
// outgoing range
//incoming range
Log "Incoming value =%qq% outgoing value=%pp%"
CC-relative-to-different-note-on-2025-02-01.bmtp (1.5 KB)
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
unfortunately, it works but it’s not cycling in order, it frequentely jumps and it has an erratic behavior.
Maybe we can use an absolute midi CC knob for now to simplify things ?
What if you turn the knob slowly? It is set up to recognize acceleration so if you turn it too quickly, it will jump. If it works when turning slowly, then I can modify the project to ignore acceleration.
after testing the speed, you are right! I turned down the sensitivity for this specific midi cc in the software of my knob and it works!
the only thing is that if I change track, move my knob, select back the track, it doesn’t start from the previous position. Instead, the control either jump to a new value then move or not move at all until I picked up the correct value
Right, that is probably because there is either no MIDI coming back out of your app to tell Bome MIDI Translator Pro what the new value is, or if there is, we are not capturing it. If you look at logging with input from your app, we could see if anything is coming back.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
but in either case, cubase cannot transmit the last value (in this case the current articulation). Is there something in the formula that could make it act like when we choose ‘relative two complement’ in the midi remote in cubase. This is some magic that makes the knob pickup any current value without teleporting
If changing on Cubase and it isn’t sending anything, there is no magic that we can tell what Cubase is doing. We would not be aware the Cubase has changed anything.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Here is the project without acceleration.
CC-relative-to-different-note-on-2025-02-01a.bmtp (1.5 KB)
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Yes I understand ! Are you familiar with how it works in cubase ?
Because in cubase, the midi remote let us configure a midi knob to « relative two complement » and somehow it’s able to pick up the current value (I guess it calculate some sort of average as soon as you start moving the knob to avoid abrupt jump).
I cannot use the midi remote for what I want to do tho because I am looking to transmit mini notes from one single midi CC!
To send midi note off I just duplicate the translator and change to note off ?
would it be possible to send program change messages instead of midi notes ? like PC 1 to 30
I did a preset once when I manually created 30 translator, dividing the 127 cc value input by 30 PC output
but is there a more efficient way with just one translator ?
I would need to review how Cubase works. My expertise is more focused on how Bome products work. I believe for things such as quick controls you can set Cubase up to send MIDI feedback messages.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Yes, instead of a Note for output. Change the output to program change with a value of pp,
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
thank you!
Is there a possibility to tell Bome ‘as soon as I start transmitting midi CC114, please transmit Program Change messages starting from PC1 and going forward’ ??
and maybe that would reset every 5s or 10s so that at least if it doesn’t pickup the relative value, I can start from the beginning and have a short window of time to work.
Or even better, maybe I can have another button which reset the PC transmitted to start from the beginning and I can use that button go back to the beginning.
Currently if the last transmitted PC was very far away from 1, there’s alot of scrolling until I can set eyes on the parameter again (because on cubase, I can only see the first 10 parameters without scrolling with the mouse)
I think it’s better that I set my knob to absolut and just convert CC114 into PC1 to PC50 (because I only need about 50 value in what I want to control)
and maybe have a button that reset my controller to the first value
I did a simple translator converting CC114 to transmit PC with no alteration and it does the job well enough !!
Hi, please see the modified file.
Translator 0.1 does the CC conversion to PC and conversion.
Here are the new rules with pp being the current CC value of CC 114 on MIDI CH 1.
// between 0 and 50
// Scale it
// outgoing range
//incoming range
Log "Incoming value =%qq% outgoing value=%pp%"
Translator 0.1 takes note on MIDI CH 1 and sends CC114 value 0 back to the controller. The controller must be able to accept this value so you will need an encoder and not a slider or potentiometer.
Here are how my aliases are set up:
You can learn more about aliases from this tutorial.
I set up different output device selection (back to controller on translators 0.2)
For more information about device selection, see this tutorial.
CC-to-PC Scaling-2025-02-02.bmtp (1.6 KB)
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care