Help capturing sysex feedback

Hi everyone, I’m looking for a way to capture sysex Midi In data from Bome SendSX into a lua script inside of Reaper. Specifically, I can send a sysex request like F0 41 10 01 05 0D 11 20 00 20 0C 00 00 00 01 33 F7 through the Midi Out pane of Bome SendSX to request which Amp channel is currently used on my Katana:GO headphone amp and it will return sysex data in the Midi In pane of Bome SendSX with F0 41 10 01 05 0D 12 20 00 20 0C 04 30 F7 for Brown channel.

So in Reaper, I can send sysex using reaper.SendMIDIMessageToHardware in a lua script but I can’t figure out how to get the sysex feedback into my lua script as there is no Reaper API lua function to capture sysex feeback. If I can get the sysex feedback from a request into my script, then I can do some conditional sending of sysex codes to perform other tasks based on the feedback.

Is there a command line version of Bome SendSX which can be launched within a Reaper lua script with outgoing and incoming parameters that can perhaps be used to retrieve the sysex feedback codes?

Any help would be appreciated.


Hi and welcome to the Bome community!

Well if you want to capture a SysEx event in Reaper then this is not really a question for this forum but I found this web page that seems to describerthe LUA system all to invoke.

Lua: boolean retval, optional boolean selected, optional boolean muted, optional number ppqpos, optional integer type, optional string msg = reaper.MIDI_GetTextSysexEvt(MediaItem_Take take, integer textsyxevtidx, optional boolean selected, optional boolean muted, optional number ppqpos, optional integer type, optional string msg)

There appears to be a command line option ‘/send’ but I think you would need to configure SendSX for the proper open port before using it.

There is also SendMIDI which might work for you.

In Bome MIDI Translator Pro we can certainly take the SysEX message and if we know specific bytes and their meaning, can convert these to other MIDI messages for use in Reaper.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

I guess we could do this.

  1. Take the SysEX string from your device into Bome MIDI Translator Pro .
  2. Use that to determine the output device
  3. Have Reaper send to a virtual port in Bome MIDI Translator Pro
  4. Use the information from the SysEx Stream to re-route from the the virtual port (from Reaper) to the desired output device.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Thanks Steve, I’ll give that a shot.
