Yes i’m not gonna move the ableton window when i use bome to control xone k2 to djing.
now i did my preset using from this post that you’ve made.
And here is my preset
Mouse try.bmtp (3.6 KB)
in this preset, a knob right under the xone is mouse vertical up and down with both click u/d (i want to select a browser with mouse. the problem is when mouse reach the below or top border i can’t reach the bottom or top of the screen.)
a M note at bottom left corner is left mouse botton up and mouse position to deck A
and next to the M note is left mouse botton down.
i want note i to delete all track in deck A and J to delete all deck B.
i wonder When I select file from the browser, the mouse curser would be stuck at the top of deck A ( first row in ableton track). Is it possible for the curser to move back into the browser after I loaded a file? If so how.
i think i might not need a horizontal mouse movement cause i think mouse position things is fine to drag and drop to deck.
ps. i have no idea what’s in init preset in this file do (project open, global timer and esc init).