How to create 16 tracks stereo using bome midi translater pro with hui ping

how to create 16 tracks stereo using bome midi translater pro with hui ping.
Please answer.
Thank you very much.
Marcello Gabriels.


HUI is an 8 track at a time protocol so to get 16, most DAW’s use 2 ports for each “virtual HUI device” and use 8 tracks on the first and another 8 on the second. or you can use bank up and back down buttons to access additional tracks. Stereo is an analog discussion only. For MIDI, that would be 32 MIDI tracks.

Other than that, I’m not entirely sure what you are asking. Are you wanting to convert other MIDI commands from maybe a generic MIDI controller to HUI?

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Yes and thank you Steve for the reply.
From Protools using midi translater pro into vs 1680.
I should use the virtual HUI device.
How do I use the 2 ports for each ?
please reply.
Have a good day Steve.
the VS roland 1680 won’t get the effects into protools but the rest it does like
play stop and arm track I am studying the faders they are a little complicated
but I can make it up.
So thank you again, please reply.
Marcello Gabriels.

Have you reviewed this post?

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Hi ,

I think I remember doing some consulting for you on this in the past but maybe for 8 tracks only. Did you want me to expand the existing project? As you know I don’t have a 1680 or Pro-Tools, but I still might be able to get it to work although this would be a paid consulting event.

In general you would

  1. Map faders 9-16 to the same as 1-8 but send it to a different Virtual Port (BMT 2)
  2. Set up Pro-tools with the second HUI device on BMT 2.

Then the first 8 tracks would work as you have them and the second 8 will be mapped to tracks 16-32

Thank you very much for your reply Steve.
Best regards and have a good day.

Marcello Gabriels.

Glad to help Marcello ! @gabrielsmarcello


Good afternoon, can you help me with the assignment
with midi translotor pro to protools and vs roland vs 1680
for the recordings buttons to be assigned for ecording one by one
from protools to vs roland 1680 and vice versa.
Thank you very mcuh.
Marcello Gabriels.
Thank you.
Please reply.
Thank you.