How to detect VST windows as part of Cubase on Windows?

Hey everyone,

Here’s my problem: I’ve set up a translator in Bome Pro that disables certain keyboard shortcuts when Cubase is not focused. This works fine until I open a VST plugin window. For some reason, opening the VST window makes Bome think Cubase has lost focus, even though the VST is still technically part of my Cubase session. (happens only in Cubase/Windows. doesnt happen in other DAWS or in other OS like mac)

I tried troubleshooting by using tools like Window Detective to identify the process or window name of the VST,: as soon as I click outside of Cubase to inspect the VST window, the VST window disappears from focus. This makes it impossible to figure out what process or window name to use in Bome to detect VST activity as part of Cubase.

So bascially:

  • When I open a VST, Bome thinks I’ve left Cubase.
  • I can’t find the process or window name for the VST because it disappears as soon as I interact with anything outside Cubase.
  • I’m trying to find a way to keep keyboard shortcuts active when using VSTs in Cubase without Bome assuming I’ve switched applications.

Is there a way to solve this? Why would Bome think we switched Focus although we are still in Cubase. And how to counter this issue effectively ? ( Have it been discussed before in the Forums here?)


Sorry, yes VSTs cannot be focused and unfocused because they are not executables. You might want to try using injected keystrokes if you are on Microsoft Windows, but event injected events are not always reliable depending on the developer of the application and whether they expose controls.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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