How to monitor midi cc number coming from knob

I would like to see what cc number the knobs on my midi controllers send. There is an app called Showmidi that does this but it won t work on my older mac.Just the cc number. Not the stream that the log window shows me. Can this be done withmidi translator pro? Tried every setting i can think of……


Please find the attached project file.

We monitor for CC’s in the first translator, Note-On in the second, Note-Off in the third and Program Change in the forth.

In each case we use the ‘Log’ rule to display the result in the Log Window. You can change this as you wish.

Log Monitor.bmtp (1.9 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Thank you very much. Works great! This helps me a lot with mapping several controllers😊

Glad to have been of help!

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: