I want to get timecode from stage to FOH and manipulate snapshots on digico

Hello. I’m FOH sound engineer.
I want to have the ability switching snapshots via midi timecode.
STAGE computer is sending smpte/ltc timecode using abletone live.
Meaning I’m translating LTC to MTC from stage computer LTC to MTC using Reaper and I want to send a midi time code to the digico digital mixer using the din midi connection of the bome box.

Is that possible?
Is there any other product I can use for this Job?!
LTC to MTC without any program as Reaper in the middle?

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Hi and welcome to the Bome community!

Yes, BomeBox will pass through MIDI Timecode (MTC) over Bome Network and send it to any attached MIDI port on BomeBox that you choose. It could be the DIN port or any attached class compliant MIDI USB port.

BomeBox does not support LTC however so you would still need to translate to MTC.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

I’m adding this Question: Does the BomeBox also send out MTC through Ethernet and WiFi Ports?
What about MIDI Clock?


BomeBox does not generate MIDI timecode, however it will pass MIDI timecode received (and any other MIDI message received) from any MIDI ports to any output MIDI ports specified in the routing screen. These MIDI ports could be USB, DIN or Network MIDI ports using Bome Network. The receiving device would also need to have Bome Network installed which is free for communicating with BomeBox directly.

The digico console would see the port as a local MIDI port.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
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