Incremental and decremental cc button?

I found a topic about this and got a code, but couldn’t get it right with my project.
Could you help me out with this?

Incoming: MIDI Message, Control Change
Channel 15, CC# 14,

Desired Outgoing: Decremental CC
Channel 15, CC# 14,

Hi, please find the attached.

The first translator takes CC13 on MIDI CH 15 in with any value and will send a higher CC value with CC14 on MIDI CH 15. I use the global variable ga for the current value.
Here are the rules:

if ga>127 then ga=127

The second translator takes CC14 on MIDI CH 15 in with any value and will send a lower CC value with CC14 on MIDI CH 15. Again, I use the global variable ga for the current value.

Here are the rules:

if ga<0 then ga=0

Inc-Dec-CC.bmtp (1.4 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:
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Thank you. It works very well!

I have one more question.
If it is even possible, could you tell me how to do it?

I am trying to control pitch transpose with the incremental and decremental buttons. However, the pitch jumps to the lowest pitch when I press any of both buttons. Maybe because they are sending absolute values? Midi monitor shows they are sending the lowest value and then, it is going up.

Is it even possible for them to send -1 or +1 value but not absolute value?

Thank you!

Well, MIDI has no -1 so they use 127 for negative 1.

In this version pressing CC13 should send a 1 (increment) and pressing CC14 should send a 127 (decrement).

Inc-Dec–Relative-CC.bmtp (1.4 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:
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