Issue trying to setting Bome Midi Translator

Hello, I’m new to Bome, and I’m using th free trial of Bome Tranlator Pro to have sure that it work before purchase.
So, I’m trying to set up it to convert my midi input to keyboard input to play games, but the only configuration that ‘work’ on games until now was using the setting ‘down’ on Key Stroke, otherwise the game don’t recogonize, but it alway leave the button pressed and the only way to make it stop is pressing the key on my keyboard.
Have any tip of what I could be doing wrong?

Hi and welcome to the Bome community!

Please find the attached. If the computer keeps repeating keystroke while holding the MIDI controller note down, then you may need to disable key repeat on your computer.

midi-to-key-2024-12-23.bmtp (1.8 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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