MIDI aliases not showing when I click on Edit MIDI Port Aliases

I’m moving from Windows to Mac and trying to set up MIDI port aliases.
I’ve entered the aliases and can see them in the Project default MIDI ports.
When I try to edit the port aliases I get an error message:
‘This project does not use any MIDI port aliases.’

How do I proceed? I need the port aliases to allow flexibility in port assignments.

Hi, just because you have defined aliases doesn’t mean that your project is using them. You need to look at your presets and translators and instead of using the hardware port names, use the aliases instead. Then when you open the project, it will use them. If you show me your project file I can give you an example or two to fix.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Thanks Steve… that makes sense. I haven’t actually made the project file yet… or more accurately, haven’t imported the project file I’ve been using for Windows. I’m sure that’ll take care of the problem.
I’m moving to Mac because I still have stability problems (Ports being given different mappings sometimes - especially when disconnecting and then reconnecting some of my controllers.)
I thought moving to Mac might solve this at long last.