Midi Fighter Twister and Cubase 12

OK, then show me the log when you move a fader on Cubase. It is possible that the reverse translation is not happening correctly or perhaps the MIDI output port of Cubase is not set correctly or your alias from Cubase (Application) is not correctly set.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

the recorded midi data in cubase

the data when reading the automation data

Hmm, does MT Pro show anything when reading the automation in the log?

Here is the test that I did when moving faders in Cubase and viewing MFT in upper right corner and the log file.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

When reading the automation on the instrument track, then translator shows the values.
I created a Midi track and the values are SHOWING on the twister and also when I move the fader. Is this just working on Midi tracks? I always tried with an instrument track.

Well the translators are working then, so I would recommend you discuss with Steinberg what you want and have them tell you how you should set up Cubase to do what you want. I’m not an expert in Cubase but I know how to get MIDI in to Cubase from your Twister and if Cubase sends MIDI out, I can set up translators to handle that as well. Any track that is enabled to send and receive MIDI should work.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

I do not know why it is working with midi tracks but not with instrument tracks. I maybe ask Steinberg if they can help but the support is not the best.

Maybe you need to set up a MIDI send from the instrument track? I don’t know since I’m really no expert with Cubase. You might want to check the manual if while you wait for them to get back to you.


There are Track and Rack instruments. I think it works with Rack instruments. I have to try it.
Thanks a zillion for your help and time Steve.

Well thinking about this more. The input to an instrument track is MIDI and output is Audio so I doubt if you could get MIDI output from an instrument track. Instead you would have to create a MIDI track for Automation and send that output data to the instrument and record the automation there.

For playback you would need the MIDI track to send back to your controller the automation that you previously recorded and also send the MIDI data to the instrument track for playback.


Also and instrument track should probably be on a different virtual port as it would follow normal CC for most controls instead of Mackie MCU controls. CC7 for instance for volume.


Yes, there is maybe a workaround. I will do a search.